Live and Let Orc – A Daddy Dom Modern Monster Read Online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 27313 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 137(@200wpm)___ 109(@250wpm)___ 91(@300wpm)

Having a plan makes me feel better, but the tension from the other orcs around vibrates in the air as I force my eyes from the orc warrior’s body and focus on the fire, remembering what he said about me being his mate. About my scent...

Mol sidesteps around me as my adrenaline starts to finally dissipate and the flickers of the flames get blurry. His enormous body is closer and it speeds my pulse, thinking of his hand on my ass, how I pounded my fists into his butt, ran my palms down the thick ripples of his back.

“What are you going to do with me?” I ask. “I don’t belong here.” There’s a flutter in my vision. “I think I need something to eat…” The flames are hypnotizing as they turn dark around the edges. I know what’s about to happen and I reach out, trying to grab onto anything before the ground rushes up and everything goes silent.

“Drink.” A deep, rumbling voice rushes through me.

Cool liquid drips from my lips, over my chest, into the crease of my cleavage.

The delicious water soothes my dry throat as I swallow as I open my eyes. Mol is frowning, his face right above me, close enough his breath warms me as I come back to reality with his thick arms surrounding me as we sit by the fire.

“Whoa there, buddy.” I push at his solid chest, but there is no moving his muscled arms.

“You will drink the water, then I am feeding you. Stop squirming, Selthe, you are safe here but I will not hesitate to spank the other side of that round ass if you do not eat and drink.”

His brow is cinched, the thick ridge across his nose furrowed. His chest rises and falls over and over as heat from his body wraps around me.

He holds the wooden mug to my lips and I take another long swallow, feeling my strength returning. The scent of something wonderful drifts around as an older orc female approaches holding a platter of steaming meat.

“Thank you,” I say as she gives me a soft smile. I’ve only seen a few other orc females in the years since they returned.

“This is my mother. Gathra.” Mol nods to the woman.

“Eat well, young one. You will need your strength for what is coming.” There’s a playful sparkle in her gray eyes, she’s half Mol’s size, muscular but tired looking. She winks at Mol before setting the platter on a stump, then returns to a structure on the other side of the fire pit.

“You are lucky to have your mother here.”

“Yes. I am.” Mol stabs a slice of the delicious smelling meat and holds it to my mouth.

“I can feed myself. Just like I can walk. Run. And whatever else. I’m a fully functioning capable adult.”

He grunts some sort of disagreement, but I decide to let it go. The meat melts in my mouth and I let out a long, dirty sounding moan as I swallow.

“What is that noise you make?” Mol asks as I run the back of my hand over my lips and he stabs another piece of meat.

“What? You mean…mmmmmmm?” I repeat my moan and there’s a solid bump from his lap onto the backs of my thighs. “Mmmmmmm.” I do it again, embellishing for effect, watching his eyes dilate, then, there’s another bump upward from under my ass. “Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.” I do it again, doubling down on the porn star act because it’s clearly distressing him and it’s entertaining watching this enormous monster squirm.

“Yes, that noise. Now, stop.”

“That,” I say, “is the sound of pleasure.” I give him my most sultry look, licking my lips, crinkling my nose. “Mmmmmmm—” I start but he slaps his other hand over my mouth, covering most of my face in the process as I’m lifted several inches higher on his lap.

“I said stop making that sound.”

I shrug as he removes his hand. “Kinda thought you liked it.”

“I will like it when I have you on all fours taking my seed. But not here, not now.” He growls, sending prickling heat down my back as he grunts toward the other orcs within ear shot.

I’m stunned into silence which is a big deal for me processing what he just said.

Mol goes silent as well and I take the next bite of the meat. Then more water. Then more meat until I’m stuffed and leaning back against the leather straps on his chest, feeling snug and satisfied. Safe and somehow hopeful for the first time in years.

“Your camp is nice. Not what I expected.”

“What did you expect? To see us living in muddy holes in the ground?”

“No, I mean, I just…” I exhale. “I just didn’t know what to expect, I guess. It’s so organized, and bigger than I thought it would be, but I don’t think I’m very popular.”


