Loving The Enemy Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Billionaire, Funny, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 55093 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 275(@200wpm)___ 220(@250wpm)___ 184(@300wpm)

I thought long and hard about opening up to her and then even longer about why I cared. I tried telling myself that he had every right to go on his way. He didn’t owe me anything. But as much as I tried to convince myself of that, and that I didn’t care one way or the other, I couldn’t erase the lump in my throat or the pain in my heart.

I told her bits and pieces and let her draw a picture herself. She took her time mulling over my words while I kinda did the same. I went over the night with new eyes, trying to see things from his side. I know what I felt, but what about him? When I broke down and told her about our little accident she really lit up then.

“And you say he looked…disappointed?”

“I thought so, but maybe I don’t know him well enough to read him.” She wasn’t even listening to me. Just reading and rereading his text and looking back at the picture in the newspaper. Her excitement was making feel less abandoned, more hopeful. As strong as I am, being dumped like this would be hard for anyone, and it did feel like I’d been dumped, financial arrangement or not.

“You know what, this is stupid. It’s not like we meant anything to each other. Let’s just drop it. At least I got a day at the spa and a new outfit out of the whole deal.” I didn’t even sound convincing to my own ears. Of course she ignored me and carried on with her plotting.

“I know just the thing.” Oh boy, that did not sound promising. I know that tone and it only ever spells trouble. On the other hand I don’t recall a time that one of her schemes didn’t pan out. Like the website; maybe I could go back to that. Only once I’d exhausted my closet I’d have to start on mom’s, and I don’t think she was ready for that. Back to square one. Speaking of which.

“Shit, in all this mess I forgot to find out who sold me out to the tabloids.”

“Oh that was Cindy, already taken care of.”

“What, what do you mean?”

“I mean; she’s lucky she still has her damn teeth.” I turned to look at her fully.

“What did you do?”

“Oh nothing, just reminded her of a few things she’d forgotten that I knew. Nothing for you to worry about. Now let’s talk about my plan.”

She rubbed her hands together and I almost felt sorry for Storm. Simone can be very determined and once she gets something in her head it’ll take a dynahoe to get it out. “Okay what’s this plan and it better not involve me making a fool of myself.” I have to get that out there because who knows what hair brained scheme she had cooking in her head.



“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this. This has got to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever done.” I hid behind the curtain looking out at the room that was quickly filling up with people, my resolve waning bit by bit. I thought I could do this, but now that it was crunch time I wasn’t so sure.

“Come away from there, you’ll be fine.” Simone pricked and prodded at me until I was ready to trounce her. “I should strangle you for talking me into this. Do you think the papers need more fodder?”

“I told you to ignore them. Don’t think about any of that, just focus on Storm. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.” She might, but I’m no longer certain that I did.

For the past couple days I’ve let her lead me around, taking her advice. At first it seemed like a great plan and if all else failed at least it was for a good cause. Now I felt like a lamb being led to the slaughter. What do I know about trying to make a man like Jason Storm jealous? This whole thing could blow up in my face.

And what about whoever I ended up going to dinner with? “I could be selling myself to an ax murderer for all you know.” Oh why did I let her talk me into this?

“Oh calm down and don’t be so dramatic. First off, you’re not selling yourself. This is for charity and in case you missed it there are a few others doing it.”

“I don’t see you going out there like a slab of meat.” She sucked her teeth and turned me around for the one hundredth time to make sure the skimpy bit of nothing she’d forced me to wear was just right.

“I can’t very well be one of the prizes if I’m running the show now can I?” Prizes, right, way to clean it up. I’d let this fool talk me into getting myself auctioned off for dinner and dancing for one night with the highest bidder. According to her, once Storm heard about this it would light a fire under him and force his hand so to speak.


