Make Me Read online Lani Lynn Vale (KPD Motorcycle Patrol #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: KPD Motorcycle Patrol Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 70695 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 353(@200wpm)___ 283(@250wpm)___ 236(@300wpm)

“My brother seemed to like you,” she said, her hands leaving the bike and coming to rest on my hips.

I’d left my utility belt at the precinct. But the tight ass fucking pants had stayed.

Which she took full advantage of as she ran her hands up and down my thighs, not quite touching my dick but getting pretty fuckin’ close.

“Let’s not talk about your brother,” I suggested. “Let’s talk about the fact that you kept touching me during dinner and no one knew but me because your hand was hidden by the tablecloth.”

She started to laugh.

“I couldn’t help it,” she lied. “Your dick just sticks out so blatantly in those pants.”

It did.

I had to agree with her.

Without the belt to draw attention away from my cock, it seemed to pop out even more.

It was her laughter that did me in.

Seeing her happy. Seeing her so inhibited with her laugh. It was my trigger.

“I love you.”

The three simple words wiped the laughter right off of her face.

“It’s okay,” I told her when fear replaced the amusement. “I’m not going to stop loving you because you can’t say it back.”

She swallowed hard, and I couldn’t take it anymore.

I had to have her in my arms.

Pulling her up by her shirt, I plastered her body to mine and wrapped my arms securely around her shoulders.

“You can show me, though, can’t you?” I asked, pulling away to look down at her face once again.

She tilted her head to the side, contemplating my words, and then nodded.

“Here?” she croaked, looking around the darkened alley.

I would’ve loved to say yes.

Would’ve loved to have her up against the wall of the restaurant, my cock jammed into her pussy so deep that I didn’t know where I ended and she began.

But I was too highly trained to let my guard down that way.

“No,” I whispered against her lips. “When we get home.”

She looked like she was about to argue, but I pulled away completely, foregoing any arguments that she might have wanted to make.

“Let’s go,” I ordered.

And we did.

We barely made it home.

Every turn, her hands moved south.

Lower and lower and lower.

It was as we were pulling into the driveway of my place that her hand finally made that final descent to rest on my cock.

I growled and her hand clenched on the head of my dick.

If there was one thing I could say about these fuckin’ uniform pants, it was that the fabric was thin, meaning I could feel her hand stroking it up and down, squeezing lightly.

And she could feel every single inch of my dick.

I didn’t bother getting off the bike.

I just shut it down, pulled her out from behind me by her arms until she was standing beside the bike, and quickly started divesting her of her jeans.

Thank God she was wearing flip-flops, because after shoving her jeans and panties down to her ankles, she just stepped out of them and practically scaled my bike trying to get to me.

While she was climbing, I fought to get my cock free from the confines of my uniform pants, cursing them once again as I struggled with the zipper.

They really were that tight.

“Hurry,” she ordered.

I sucked in as I lowered my zipper, being extremely careful to not catch my cock or my underwear in the teeth.

A, I didn’t want to hurt my cock because I wanted to use it, badly.

And B, it would slow me down, and I wanted to be inside Royal St. James more than I wanted to wake up in the morning.

“Hurry,” she repeated, already lowering herself down.

I leaned forward because her vagina was practically eye level with my face, and bit her.

Right on the top of her mons, causing her to gasp and teeter.

It was good that I finally got my zipper down and my dick out, because I had to reach out and catch her before she practically toppled head over heels off my bike.

My thighs burned as I steadied the bike once again, pulling her down into my lap, guiding her until my cock rested at the very entrance to her pussy.

I hadn’t put the stand down yet, and though it wouldn’t have taken me long in the grand scheme of things, I was too focused on getting inside of Royal to worry at the moment.

And getting inside of her really was my only focus.

The crest of my cock felt like it was on fire as I slowly pushed inside, coming to a halt when the head breached her entrance.

A low, keening wail left her lips and I couldn’t stop myself from grinning.

“Baby,” I growled. “Stop squirming.”

She took matters into her own hands then, reaching down and stroking the part of my cock that wasn’t inside of her.

“I want this inside of me,” she whispered, sounding needy and impatient. “I’m tired of waiting. That entire ride home felt like a giant foreplay ride. All the vibrations, and feeling your ass pressed up against me? It was the worst and the best all rolled into one.”


