Malicious Wedding – Crowley Mafia Family Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 71832 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 359(@200wpm)___ 287(@250wpm)___ 239(@300wpm)

I stare at her, seething. “Maybe you’re right. It’s still not better.”

“Yeah, probably. I’m just saying, he could’ve done a lot more to take away your agency, and instead it looks like he tried his best to make it so that you’re not trapped.”

“He did everything but tell me the truth, which is the bare freaking minimum. I can’t have a relationship with that guy anymore, but I also still need him to make sure none of you get hurt. Now I don’t know what to do.”

She’s silent for a moment before she stands, walks over, and gives me a hug. “I’m so sorry you’re in this position. I wish I had better advice for you, but I’ve never had to handle a rich psycho stalker before.”

“Thanks,” I say, hugging her back, even though I’m annoyed. “You want to know the sickest part? I was starting to feel something. I actually liked him. I still like him. Only I don’t know what was real and what was fake.”

“You can feel what you feel, it’s okay.” She squeezes my hand. “Stay here as long as you need.”

I sleep on her couch that night. I keep thinking about Carson, looking back over my life and spotting all the little ways he intervened to ease my life, and each time sends a shock of recognition and horror running down my spine.

I should’ve figured it out sooner. The signs were all there screaming in my face, except I refused to listen. I wandered around blissfully ignorant pretending like life just always worked out in my favor, when really it was Carson nudging everything along, keeping me on track.

In the morning, I shower, make coffee, and I’m about to ask Bernie if she wants any breakfast when someone knocks at the door.

I pause, nerves jangling. It’s barely past eight. Nobody gets deliveries this early.

Slowly, I look out her peephole.

There’s nobody.

I open the door, worried Carson’s about to jump out and grab me by the throat.

Instead, there’s a large, brown paper bag on the floor.

Beside it is my engagement ring sitting on top of a white piece of paper.

I stare at the ring. I recognize the bag—it’s from the bagel place I like.

He brought me breakfast. And returned my ring.

“You sick asshole,” I whisper, gathering it all up before locking all the locks. I dump the stuff on the table, staring at the ring, then read the note.

Ash, my angel, I know you’re hurting, but this ring is still yours. Just like I am still yours. Carson.

“What’s all that?”

I yelp, jumping. Bern’s standing in the hallway, looking tired. “Shit. You scared me.”

“Oh sorry, I guess you forgot you’re in my house. What’s with the bag? Are those bagels?”

“Carson brought them.”

She pauses mid-step. “You talked to him?”

“No, he just dropped that off at the door. You should throw it all away.”

“I mean, he went to all that trouble.” She plucks out an everything bagel. “Oh, and there’s cream cheese.”

“He also returned my engagement ring.” I hold it up in one hand.

She stares as she cuts her bagel. “That thing is worth, like, millions, right?”

“Probably. I don’t actually know.” But it feels heavy in my palm. Like no matter what it costs, it’s way too heavy for me to keep carrying.

“Get it appraised then sell it.” She shrugs, tossing her bagel into the toaster. “Or wear it. That shit blings.”

“No,” I say quietly before walking to her front window. I unlatch it, yank it up, and slide up the screen.

“What are you doing?” she calls out.

I stare down at the street. I don’t see Carson or his car, but I know he must be nearby. “I don’t want this,” I yell outside. “Keep your bribe!”

I throw the ring as hard as I can into the street.

For a moment, I bask in the silence, until I hear the ping of metal on concrete as the priceless ring bounces away.

I’m done with Carson. I don’t care what he says or what he does—when the Polish threat is neutralized, I’m going to divorce him.

I don’t want his money. I don’t need anything from him.

Only my freedom.

“I’ll take the bribe, bitch!” someone shouts from nearby.

I grimace and slam the window shut.

Bernie stands behind me, shaking her head. “You should’ve sold it. Imagine what we could’ve done to Smoke with that cash.”

“That felt better though.” I brush my hands together. “Now, what’s for breakfast?”

Chapter 34


Carson’s guys still show up at Smoke. They don’t come inside, opting to keep a respectful distance instead, but their presence is obvious. I’d be annoyed, but we still need them, even though I wish I could cut all signs of Carson out of my life.

“Bernie told me,” Keely says, wrapping her arms around me. “My god. It’s always the hot ones, isn’t it? Like, they’re so good looking, they need to do increasingly fucked-up shit to feel anything, right?”


