Malicious Wedding – Crowley Mafia Family Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 71832 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 359(@200wpm)___ 287(@250wpm)___ 239(@300wpm)

“So that should excuse everything? If it weren’t for marrying me, he never would’ve gotten caught?”

“More or less, and would that have been so bad? A benevolent billionaire out there watching over you, making sure your life never gets too bad? That’s kind of what everyone wants, isn’t it?”

I lean back, shaking my head. “If he were doing it to be altruistic, maybe, but it’s not about me. It’s about him.”

Nolan grunts, glancing to the side. “Carson’s a hard man to love.”

“I noticed.”

“But once you do, it’s so worth the pain.” I try not to move. I feel so angry, but something in Nolan’s tone makes me pay close attention. “My brother and I have always been close, but he pulled back into himself. I wasn’t sure why until I found out about you. Normally, Carson’s the kind of man people want to be around, and it isn’t only for his money. He’s sincere in an almost freakish way, scrupulous, dedicated to his beliefs, generous to those he cares about, attentive, even funny sometimes. But he’s also demanding, and he lives his life the way he believes is right regardless of what others may think. That’s hard to square sometimes, but if you can manage it, Carson’s one of the best people I know.”

I let that sink in. I understand what Nolan’s saying, and he might be right, but I can’t get over this. I just can’t let it go.

“Are you here to convince me to get back with your brother?”

Nolan sighs, pushing himself to his feet. “I’m not sure why I’m here, if I’m honest. Maybe I just feel bad for the guy. Maybe I feel bad for you.”

“For me?” I ask, surprised.

“You’re giving up something good, all for your pride.”

“You say that as if Carson treating me like a science experiment for a decade is some small little hiccup.”

“It kind of is.” He stops at the door. “All I really came to say is, Carson misses you, and I think he really does love you. Give it another chance.”

I cross my arms. “No. Thank you.”

“All right then.” He turns to go.

“Wait.” I stand, not sure why. “That’s it? You’re just walking off?”

“I did what I could.”

“You’re not going to convince me.”

“Are you sure?” His eyebrows raise. “I think you want me to convince you, but I don’t know what you need to hear. It’s okay if you want to be with him. It really is.”

“I don’t—I mean, I’m not—”

He walks back over and pulls a business card from his pocket. “That’s my number. Give me a call if you change your mind and you can’t bring yourself to talk to Carson first. I can help.”

“I don’t want you to help. I don’t want any of this.” But I don’t even believe myself at this point.

“Your choice.” He leaves me alone, staring down at the number printed on simple cream paper.

What is with the Crowley family? Even the normal-seeming one is a total weirdo, giving me his number like this, telling me I should give Carson another shot. I don’t even know Nolan, and Carson barely ever spoke about his brother, despite them being close.

I take the card and shove it into the drawer with the ring.

Chapter 38


I head home with Bernie after work that night. The ring and the business card remain back in my desk, locked up tight.

“You know, maybe we should go on a vacation,” Bernie says, holding onto my arm as we walk. “Head down to the beach for a couple weeks, clear our heads. Or fill out heads with alcohol. Either way.”

“That’d be nice. You got a beach house?”

“Nope, but I’m pretty sure you could buy one.”

I snort. “Good point. I keep forgetting about all the money he gave me.”

“And the limitless credit card, don’t forget that.”

“It’s almost like I have nothing to complain about.”

“Now you’re getting it.”

I laugh, pushing her away. We head over toward her apartment building and start up the stairs together, chatting about Keely’s latest boy drama, when there’s a loud bang down the stairwell behind us before we can reach Bernie’s front door.

“Stop where you are.” Carson’s voice comes echoing up as boots stomp on the stairs. “Ash, stay there, don’t move.”

“What the hell is—” I stop mid-sentence as Carson sprints past us. I catch a glimpse of rage in his eyes and a gun clutched in his hands as he reaches Bernie’s door and kicks it in with one impressive slam of his foot. Wood splinters scatter through the air.

“What the fuck is happening?!” Bernie stares at me with panicked eyes.

“Carson!” I shout, but he’s already running into the apartment.

I sprint after him, not thinking. This is beyond insane, but there was something in his face as he hustled past us—rage, determination, and a little bit of fear.

Like he was worried about something.


