Malone’s Fate – Haven Texas Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 103356 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 517(@200wpm)___ 413(@250wpm)___ 345(@300wpm)

“Tanner! Put me down!”


Holy. Heck.

This is what she wanted.

But not in front of everyone.

Yeah, you really didn’t think this through.

“Put me down.” She wriggled as he made his way outside.


“Tanner, please. I’m sorry.”

“Not yet, but you will be.”

Well. Hell. That wasn’t ominous or anything.

The entire ride home was silent. He’d left the Ranch truck she’d driven into town, using his truck to take them back to the Ranch.

When they reached the bunkhouse, she undid her belt.

“Stay there.”


She watched as he ran to her side of the truck and opened the door.

Then she was over his shoulder again.

“Tanner!” she cried. “Someone will see!”

“Should have thought of that.”

She should have. She really, really should have.

He slid her down his body once they were in his bedroom, holding her steady until she had her balance. She stared up at him in trepidation.

He was in alpha male mode right now.

His face was tight. Stern. Dominant.

And her insides lit on fire. She didn’t know why, but she liked him like this. Not all the time. Just sometimes.

She also kind of wanted to run and pee herself. All at the same time.


“Maybe we can talk about this,” she prevaricated as she inched away from him.

But he stood between her and the door. The only place to go was the bathroom and the window in there wasn’t large enough to climb out of.

Do you really want to escape?

That would be nope.

“That’s not your safeword. Strip.”

Holy. Heck.

Deciding she’d have to reap what she’d sowed, she stripped out of her clothes, standing in front of him naked.

A sense of shyness came over her as he took off his own top. He stared at her, studied her. When she tried to cover her breasts, he pushed her hand away. Then he sat on the bed and patted his lap.

“Over you come.”

She stepped away. “What are you doing?”

“Giving you a spanking.”


He gave her an incredulous look. “You know why. Because you left the Ranch without me.”

“Stefan isn’t a risk anymore. And I’m safe.”

He scowled. “You’re not supposed to go into town on your own. I would have taken you in if you’d asked.”

“And if I want to get a job? What then?”

He glanced away, his jaw tight.

Lilac walked closer, stepping between his thighs. She cupped his chin, tilting his head up. “It’s time to loosen security up a bit. I know you’re scared of something happening to me and I’m sorry I left like I did. But I’ve tried to talk to you about this many times, but you don’t want to listen. I’m all right now. I’m safe. You made me safe.”

“I didn’t, though. You could have died! Right now, you could be with him.”

She straddled his legs, and he grasped hold of her hips. “But I’m not. I’m here with you. And I need you to remember that I’m not fragile.”

Tanner gave her a look.

“Okay, I’m a little fragile, but I won’t break and even if I leave the Ranch, I’m always going to come home to you. Because you are my home.”

Leaning in, she kissed him. It wasn’t long before he took over, turning the kiss into something hard and wild.

And just what she needed.

Then he drew back, and she whimpered. “More.”


“Tanner!” she cried. “I’m fine!”

“What you are, is naughty. And you need to be punished.”

Her heart skipped a beat. Then suddenly, she found herself being moved so she was lying over his lap.


“What’s your safeword?”


“You’ll say it if you need to. Otherwise, you’re going to take your punishment. This is for saying yes to putting yourself at risk with your brother. And it’s for leaving the Ranch without telling me.”

“I’m never going to sit again, am I?”

“Probably not.”

The spanks landed hard and fast. Soon her ass felt like it was on her fire, and she kicked her legs, wanting some respite.

“Tanner, no!”

“A bit longer, baby. You earned this and you know it.”

She did know it. At least today she had. She’d felt guilty the entire time about what she was doing, even if she thought it was for his own good.

Tears dripped down her face and she sobbed as her poor bottom throbbed.

When he finally finished, he moved her so she sat on his lap, facing him. Pulling her against his chest, he rocked her back and forth.

“Good girl. You did so well. My brave, beautiful girl.”

Leaning back, she wiped her face. Reaching over, he grabbed a tissue and did it for her.

“I have something for you,” he told her.

He did? What was it?

Reaching over, he opened the nightstand drawer and drew out a velvet bag.

“Hold out your hand and close your eyes,” he commanded.

She eyed him.

“Go on,” he coaxed.

She felt something slip onto her hand.


Tears filled her eyes as she opened them. She sobbed.

“Hey! That was meant to make you happy.”

“Mama’s rings,” she said. “I can’t believe you found them.” She shakily put them on her fingers. “You got them back for me. Thank you!”


