Moments of Madness (The Hunters #2) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: The Hunters Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 60663 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 303(@200wpm)___ 243(@250wpm)___ 202(@300wpm)

Turning around, I say to Kenzo, “Wrap Nancy carefully. I want to bury her.”

He nods.

We don’t usually bury our dead. We have other easier and safer ways of body disposal, but this is a different situation. Nancy was a good soul. Even when she was free from her husband’s clutches, she still found a way to please other people. I’m not sure if I’ll ever replace her. I didn’t even really hire her in the first place. She kind of forced herself into the job and wouldn’t take no for an answer. And to be honest, I’m glad she did because she was a wonderful addition to my life.

“She is going to be in pain,” Zuko says, talking about Kalilah. “I’ll call the doctor.” He heads out the door without another word, and I know where he’s going—back to Alaska’s.

Kalilah’s breathing is soft, and I wonder if she can feel pain right now. I go into the bathroom and grab a small hand towel, then take it out to wrap it around her leg. There is blood all over my bed sheets, both fresh as well as dry. She groans, and I reach for her hand as she slowly starts to stir.

“Stay calm, okay,” I say, and her golden eyes find mine.

“It really hurts,” she whispers.

I wipe her hair from her face. “I know, but the doctor needs to check you before I can give you anything.”

“Alcohol,” she grumbles.

I chuckle and shake my head. “That will thin your blood, and we can’t have that,” I scold gently.

She moves to get comfortable and flinches as she does.

“He did a number on your stomach,” I say with venom in my voice. I can’t help the anger radiating from me. She reaches for my hand, and my eyes find hers.

“I’m still alive.” She smiles.

Fuck! That smile. It hits me right in the stomach every single time, making that fucker flutter.

Her mouth is smeared with dried blood, and her nose looks like it also took a beating. But I don’t say anything because she’s still as beautiful as ever to me.

“I didn’t mean to cause you all this trouble.” Her eyes go wide as she remembers and says, “And Nancy?” Her hands lift and cover her face. “Oh God, Nancy. I’m so sorry.” She starts to cry, and I stand, not sure what to do.

“She was a tough old woman. I’m sure she would have been happy to leave this life defending you. She liked you more than me,” I tell her.

“I’m going to get you some ice. Stay here, okay?”

She nods, wiping away her tears.

While I’m in the kitchen, Kenzo walks in, wiping his hands on his trousers. I hear a van drive up and know it’s the clean-up crew.

“Why are you down here?” he asks.

“Ice,” I reply, opening the freezer where there are prepared meals frozen for me.

Fuck. That sucks. Fuck! Nancy.

“She was a good woman. Lord knows why she stuck around you as long as she did.” I want to say it’s because I paid her well, but I don’t think it was the money that kept her here. She was simply loyal and wanted to do what she wanted, and that was to help me. “Would you like me to check Kalilah since you’re avoiding her?” Kenzo makes to go that way, but I stop him.

“No, stay and wait for the fucking doctor.”

He chuckles, knowing exactly what he’s doing as I walk past him and straight up the stairs and into my bedroom. I find her trying to sit up, but she grabs her stomach, clearly forgetting she was punched several times.

“Stop moving and lie down.”

Kalilah does as I say without a fight. I walk over and wrap the ice pack so it doesn’t freeze her skin, and then place it on her stomach.

“Do I make you uncomfortable?” she asks. “I didn’t mean to bring all this here. I tried to tell you to let me go, but you wouldn’t listen.”

“No, because you are mine. Why would I let you go?” I say the words without even thinking. Her brows raise, and she gets this weird look on her face like she isn’t sure if she likes what I said but kind of does. I’m starting to read her better.

“I’m no one’s,” she whispers.

“You aren’t his, but you are mine, Kalilah. The thing is, though, I won’t trap you.” I pause. “Only when you like it.” I wink.

“But you did trap me,” she says, shaking her head. “You made me come here, and you locked me in that room.”

“I couldn’t have you living in that shitbag motel anymore, and you were too stubborn to accept help. Besides, if I was trying to trap you, would I have let you use my car?”

“I don’t want to belong to anyone.”

A knock comes on the door, and I turn to see the doctor and Kenzo. The expression on Kenzo’s face tells me he heard everything.


