Monsters Are Hidden (Gods Among Men #2) Read Online Alta Hensley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Gods Among Men Series by Alta Hensley

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 86226 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 431(@200wpm)___ 345(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)


“Why do you want to fuck me, if I just fucked you last night?”

I don’t answer.

“Do you need a belting instead of a fucking? Answer me, or I will whip this ass of yours, and it will be far worse than the one I gave you last time.”

“Because I’m a cum slut. I’m your cum slut,” I admit between deep moans, hardly believing such crass words are escaping my mouth.

“My cum slut,” he repeats as he pauses in the spanking but keeps his two digits still firmly planted inside my cunt.

“Yes, sir. Always.”

Phoenix pulls out his fingers and stands me up, turning me to face him. “Well then, let me give you some more cum.”

With strong fingers he digs deep into my scalp, gripping my hair tightly as he wraps the other arm around my waist, crushing me against his body. His mouth descends on mine with violent intent and an undeniable hunger, devouring me with each sweep of his tongue. I’m captured in his embrace as his lips press harder and his tongue dives deeper into my willing mouth. I can’t breathe through the intensity of the kiss, my moan only stoking the flames of his passion further as he growls in response. Breaking away just long enough to grab my ass and yank me back into him, he plunges his tongue into me once more, claiming me as if I’m his own. I’m lost in dizzying pleasure and desperate for more.

The sensation of his tongue claiming mine is all-consuming, my hands splaying over the taut muscles of his back as he presses me against the wall. He digs his fingers into my flesh, his hard length pushing insistently against me. I quiver in anticipation as he lifts me onto the table, silverware clattering as he sweeps it away.

He cups my breasts, and I bite back a moan. With skilled precision he pinches my nipples and tugs gently, setting off sparks of pleasure that have me pressing into his touch. When I’m so close to shattering, he withdraws and looms over me with an unspoken question in his eyes.

“Who do you belong to?”

A wave of shame courses through me, and my cheeks flame with humiliation. His knowing smirk sets my righteous anger ablaze, but before I can lash out at him, I remember where we are. Defeat evident in my posture, I meet his gaze and answer softly “You, sir.”

He grins wickedly as he lifts me from the table and carries me to the nearby chair. He slides his hand around my neck, his breath hot on my skin. His fingertips blaze a trail of fire up my inner thigh. A feral hunger is in his eyes as he kneels between my legs and drives his tongue into me.

The sudden sensation causes me to gasp, my breath hitching in shock. I grip the chair’s arms as I lift my hips to meet him, desperate for more. He teases and pinches my nipples while his tongue works its magic between my legs, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through me. His fingers press into my hips, holding me firmly in place as he takes me to the edge of bliss and then pulls away, taunting me with his touch. Frantic and panting, I beg him for more, pleading with him to take me over the edge as only he can do.

Desperation and arousal war within me. I’m quaking with need, desperate for my release.

“Who do you belong to?” Phoenix growls, his deep voice a silken caress against my skin.

“You,” I plead, my voice fluttering. “I belong to you.”

“Beg me, and I’ll give you freedom,” he murmurs, tracing my body with his hands until I’m shaking beneath his touch. “You’ll no longer have to remain in the guest room.”

“Please!” I whimper, my body trembling beneath his hand. “Please, I need you! I don’t want to have to leave you.”

His grip tightens, and he pushes himself against me as he commands, “Tell me.”

“I’m yours!” I cry out, shuddering with the force of my orgasm, unable to hold back my rapture. “All yours, Phoenix!”

He leans down and claims my mouth in a passionate kiss as he thrusts into me, filling me completely as he unleashes his own ecstasy. He grips my hips, and I arch into him as wave after wave of pleasure washes over me.

With a low growl, he pulls out of me, taking a moment to gaze down at me with a wolfish smile. Something is changing in Phoenix. I truly believe he’s released his anger toward me, but there’s more. Though he hasn’t offered a toothy grin, or allowed himself to laugh. I’m starting to notice peeks of a smile here and there. I see some light shining through his constant brewing storm.

“You’re mine, Ani. No one will ever have you but me.”


