Moon’s Promise – The Last Riders Read Online Jamie Begley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Crime, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 189
Estimated words: 181808 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 909(@200wpm)___ 727(@250wpm)___ 606(@300wpm)

Only when she went limp in his arms, resting her head on his shoulder, did he carry her to the bathroom. Turning the water on, he only waited a couple of minutes before carrying her inside the shower stall.

“Uh … the water is freezing.”

Holding her safely, he let her touch the tile. “You didn’t think I was going to let you off that easily, did you?” He clicked his tongue at her disapprovingly. “I’ve never been called altruistic where that is concerned.”

Grinning back at her dirty glare, he reached for the bodywash, squeezing a good amount onto a washcloth that he had snagged on the way from the closet. He started washing her body, paying special attention to her breasts. He only moved on when they were pretty little cherry nubs.

Rubbing the cloth over the swollen contours of her belly, he then lowered it to wash between her legs, laughing when she tugged on his hair as he lingered too long. He then straightened and started washing himself.

Holding her eyes with his, Moon rubbed the wash cloth over his chest then lowered the soapy cloth to his groin. “Are you going to make me do this myself?”

She was stubborn, crossing her arms over her breasts while her eyes shot daggers at him. “Next time, wait until the water is warmer.”

“Ah … next time, don’t try to go to sleep when we’re in the middle of having sex,” he countered. He could still hear her say how she had deprived Lana of that happiness. It kept playing on repeat in his fucking brain.

“I thought we were done.”

Dragged out of his guilty thoughts, he wanted to punish her.

From the fucking moment he had met her, sight unseen, she had turned his life upside down. Just when he thought he had developed a plan and it was coming to fruition, she was fucking it up again. So far, he had been playing the game her way; it was time she started playing it his way.

“You thought wrong.”


Larissa shivered as the warm water rained down on her. The sexual intent clearly visible on Moon’s face both thrilled and frightened her. She felt her nipples tighten when he cupped a breast, pulling it upward to meet his mouth.

“First, I’m going to make you beg me to fuck you again. Second, I’m going to make sure you know which sister I want. Then, I might, just might, let you go to sleep.”

The deep timber of his voice made her knees shake while a deep ache wanted her to respond in a wild and wanton way that she was sure Moon was used to—she still saw the same lack of true desire in his eyes.

He wanted to exert his dominance over her while holding himself back. From the way he carried himself with such confidence, strength, and power, when he was in a room, your eyes were drawn to him. She had seen it over and over when they had gone out. He had a tough visage, which caused men to stare at him enviously and draw women like a flame. There was never a hint of vulnerability that made her feel she was drawing closer to him emotionally.

Left with the choice, she could either take what he was willing to give her, or she could fight him for the control he was determined to have over her. Locking her knees, she decided to step out into a brave new world.

She slid her hand down his chest, feeling the slick flesh under her palm as she ignored the qualms warning her not to underestimate Moon. She had the sexual skills of a novice, while he was at PhD level.

“Fuck me …” Sultrily, she leaned forward to lick his bottom lip. “Pretty please.” She moved her hand downward and closed her hand around his cock. “You’re so hard …” she whispered into his mouth. “You know, I saw you at the bar that night,” she confessed, gripping Moon’s cock in a firm grip then gliding up and down in smooth movements.

Going slow, each time she reached the tip, she would teasingly slip her tongue into his mouth then quickly dart back before he could deepen the kiss. Their tongues began dueling as her hand started moving faster. Then Moon buried his hand in her hair, dragging her mouth away.

“You’re playing with fire.”

His hoarse voice excited her more than touching him. He was finally showing the same reaction when she responded to his touch.

“If I were afraid of being burned, I wouldn’t be with you.” She met his eyes defiantly. “All I could think of when I saw you sitting at the bar was how hot you looked. I’ve never approached a man in my life, but that night, I was about to get out of my seat when I saw Lana looking at you. She wanted you.” As she talked, Larissa continued to glide her hand over his cock, gradually continuing her speed. “We both wanted you. You have that problem a lot, don’t you, Moon? You told me I’m your old lady, want me to consider you my man, yet … you have no intention of belonging to any woman, do you?”


