More Than Desire You – More Than Words Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 98112 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 491(@200wpm)___ 392(@250wpm)___ 327(@300wpm)

“Xavian?” she asks uncertainly.

She should never be unsure of herself. “You’re stunning.”

“You don’t have to say things like that. I already said yes.”

“I’m telling you the truth. Come here.” I motion her closer.

Corinne pads toward me shyly, her bare feet silent. The moon glides over her skin, only to be swallowed by the dusky shadows of the bedroom. Her hips sway. Her breasts bob. Her stare clings to me in the dark as I shrug off my dress shirt and absently toss it over the desk chair behind me.

She takes in my shoulders and chest with a wide-eyed stare. Her trembling hand follows.

Her first touch detonates me like a bomb, despite the fact her fingers skim my skin with the utmost tenderness. Her palm brushes down my pec, pausing to feel my sensitive nipple. I suck in a breath at her touch.

Then her gaze slides down to my fly. “You’re hard everywhere.”

“You do that to me. You did from the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

“You made me feel something, too. Fluttery. Giddy. So female. I came to your office for business. I told myself the feeling was ridiculous—”

“It wasn’t.” I can’t stand not having my hands on her anymore, so I cup her waist, skimming the inward curve and tugging her closer. “It isn’t. You are so fucking female.”

Everything else I mean to say escapes me as I caress my way up to her breast, taking its weight in my palm and brushing my thumb over her nipple. Corinne lets out a long breath as her head falls back. Her rigid peak turns impossibly harder. The other follows suit. Goose bumps break out all over her skin. Electricity fills the air.

All I can think about is stripping off those little white panties and burying myself deep, but she’ll only ever have one first time. It’s a given that she’ll eventually regret me. I can’t stop that, but I can ensure her every memory of this night is one that makes her flush and sigh.

Then she arches, thrusting her breast deeper into my palm. I stroke her soft, soft skin before dragging my wayward thumb across her sensitive tip once more. I wrap my other hand around her nape and haul her still closer. We share breaths. Our stares tangle and fuse.

“I want to do every filthy thing I’ve ever thought to you.”


“You’re not making it easy to restrain myself. A princess shouldn’t be asking a guy like me to fuck her.”

Her eyes rebuke me softly. “Don’t say that.”

“It’s true. But if I’m what you want, I’ll never say no.”

My mouth crashes over hers and my tongue invades deep, tasting, taking, demanding. But my hands glide down her body like a whisper until I’m cupping her hips and fitting her against me like we’re two perfect pieces of a puzzle.

Almost instantly, she sways closer, cozying against me as she loops her arms around my neck and tilts her mouth to take our kiss deeper. For the first time, she’s completely open to me. I feel it in the slide of her tongue, in the way she presses her tits to my chest, in the jerk of her hips against my hard-as-fuck shaft.

Pleasure jolts my body as she clutches my shoulders. I yank her flush against me, rocking against her to simulate exactly how I plan to penetrate and violate her the minute I get her under me. Her breath catches.

This moment feels meant to be. Our lips forge together. Our heartbeats synch up. With every response, I sense her need as if it’s my own.

Jesus, I’ve never thought anything that sensitive about a lover in my life. Unfamiliar feelings keep pelting me. What the hell is going on?

Is this being in love?

That possibility should terrify me. Instead, I’m addicted. I want more.

Slanting my lips over hers again, I meld our mouths together, gratified when she melts and moans into mine. It feeds the beast inside me, determined to sate this fucking hunger and gorge on her for as long as she’ll let me. Corinne takes every lash of my tongue with greedy acceptance.

The urge to map her body is inescapable, so I start with my hands, exploring her velvety-soft back, down to the pert, firm globes of her ass. I cup and pinch her flesh as I lift her to my cock and rub against her like I’m marking my territory. She gasps into our kiss again, wrapping her legs around me like she never wants to let me go.

Fuck, I can’t wait anymore.

With an impatient sweep of my arm, I knock the pillows off the massive bed. Then I lay her across the mattress and rip the triangle of lace from her body, baring her to me. But shadows impair my vision and cock-block my view, so I flip on a bedside lamp.


