My Boss and His Friends – The Forbidden Fun Read Online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 28
Estimated words: 26414 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 132(@200wpm)___ 106(@250wpm)___ 88(@300wpm)

Nonetheless, the experience has been incredible. In the mornings, Burke and I report to work per normal, making sure to enter the building at different times. Then in the evenings, we return to his home and sure enough, Sam and Vance often show up for dinner. After a satisfying meal, the four of us repair to the bedroom for intense fireworks in bed. Boy, the guys meant it when they said they were going to make me feel good because I’ve never come so many times, and so hard too. My body’s constantly overflowing with their seed, but I never say no because I’m their toy to play with.

But today’s Saturday, so I wake up and stretch my arms lazily over my head. The bed’s empty because my men like to work out, and I sense that they’re downstairs in the basement home gym toning their muscles. Fantastic. My guys like to look good, and I appreciate their efforts. Meanwhile, I hop out of bed and stare at myself in the full-length mirror.

“Wow, I’m glowing,” I marvel to myself. I turn in the mirror, checking out my frame. Physically, I’m still curvy, but there’s something about my features that makes me pause. There’s a certain sparkle to my eyes and come to think of it, my cheeks do look a bit fuller, as do my upper arms and thighs. But I’ve been working out so much! Granted, I’m alluding to my sexy calisthenics in bed, but that still burns calories, right? Suddenly, a new thought strikes.

OMG, I gasp, my eyes going wide. Could I be pregnant? Is that why there’s the glow and the extra curves?

Of course, my boyfriends use condoms when we’re together because we want to be safe. Besides, it’s too early for me to get pregnant because I’m so young. But no contraception is perfect and there were a few times when the rubbers broke because we were going at it so hard. I know, I know. These things split for a variety of reasons, but in our case, I genuinely think it’s because we were just so hot and heavy together that the latex split. OMG, what do I do?

Trembling, I stare at myself in the mirror. My mind is going insane, and I don’t know what to think. The baby could be any of theirs because I make love to Burke, Sam and Vance constantly. But wait, maybe I’m not pregnant and I’m just freaking myself out. You know what? I need my coffee because without the caffeine I can’t think. Wait, can I even have caffeine if I’m pregnant?’

Taking a deep breath, I try to calm down. I’ll go for a walk to the nearest coffee shop. Even if it’s still early, the stroll will calm me down and help me focus.

Quietly, I grab a light jacket and slip out of the mansion into the grey light of dawn. Shaking my head to clear it, I begin to stroll through the neighborhood and the exercise really does help. The sun’s out but it’s not too bright yet, and seeing trees and dew on the lawns helps me calm my mind. Soon, I’m at my favorite cafe, Happy Bean, and pull open the heavy glass door.

The heavenly smell of joe floats to my nostrils when I enter the small space. This place is just so cute. The little café is decorated with an eclectic combination of thrift store artwork, mismatched couches, and a few wooden tables scattered about, complete with rickety chairs. I love the artsy ambience and smile as the barista greets me.

“Good morning!” Stacy sings. “I was beginning to think you forgot about us.”

I laugh because this is a neighborhood joint where everyone knows my name. “No, I could never. I just slept later than usual this morning, but you know me. I still need my coffee even if it’s the weekend.”

“Macchiato with an extra shot?” Stacy asks brightly.

I shake my head.

“Not today. How about just a steamed milk?”

My barista looks surprised, her blonde ponytail quivering.

“Really? No, it’s totally fine. Coming right up!”

She’s too polite to comment more, and within minutes the bubbly girl hands me a steamed milk with my usual coffee cake muffin in a brown paper bag.

“Thanks, hon. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The younger woman smiles and waves.

“Yeah, of course, Jess. Have a good day.”

But right when I turn around, someone bumps my arm and the steamed milk is jostled. Ouch! A hot splatter hits my hand and I gasp a bit while shaking it out.

“Sorry,” someone hisses insincerely. “Didn’t see you there.”

That seems weird since I’m front and center at the counter. Meanwhile, Stacy rushes over and hands me a napkin.

“No worries, Jess, I’ll get you a paper towel,” she rushes. “Be right back.”

Meanwhile, I smile and shrug.

“No, it’s fine,” I respond. “These things happen. It was an accident, and besides, it was just milk and it didn’t even get on my clothes.”


