My Boyfriend’s Boss Read Online Cassandra Dee, Kendall Blake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Billionaire, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 64704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 324(@200wpm)___ 259(@250wpm)___ 216(@300wpm)

“Oh, Master,” she moaned, her climax close. I pushed even more, plunging my fingers into her, driving her pleasure.

“Do you enjoy this?” I asked her, mouth hovering over her pussy. I licked her clit again and she cried out, falling over the edge.

“Yes, Master!” she yelled while writhing under me.

Her gasping moan sliced through the dark as she arched towards me and twisted. The handcuffs clanked against the headboard, and I used my body to anchor her to the mattress.

“Oh, God,” she panted as her muscles relaxed.

She was a sight. Her lingerie was twisted around her waist, and she was open completely to me. Her legs. Her mouth. Her knees were up as she continued to run her heels along the bed, and it took all of my control not to impale myself in her right then and there.

“We’re not done,” I told her, pulling down her negligee and baring her breasts. The fabric snapped easily from the strap and fell. Leaning down, I latched on her beautiful nipple and roughly grazed my teeth over her. I wasn’t gentle. Frantic and desperate, I built her up again, making her ready for me. Just before she peaked, I pulled her knees up, and pushed myself inside her.

A strangled moan ripped from her throat, and I winced as she squeezed around me. Pleasure. Pain. I was barely halfway in, and every cell in my body wanted to plunge deeper until we were one, but I forced myself to still.

“Please,” she gasped. “Please.”

What was she begging for? For me to stop or for me to continue? “Stop moving,” I hissed through gritted teeth. “Just relax.”

God help me, I wanted to comfort her. I wanted to tell her that it was going to get better. That I was going to make it better, but instead, I let her calm herself.

Slowly, she stilled. Closing my eyes, I reached down between us and gently stroked her clit. When I felt her body relax, I supported my weight and started to rock back and forth.

Inch by inch, I eased deeper inside her. Soon, her small whimpers of pain turned into something different all together. She wrapped her legs around me and tightened them. “Master,” she moaned. “More.”

I lost all control. Gripping the headboard, I fucked her hard and fast, relishing the feel of her around me. The need to feel her cum around my cock was the only thing that helped me stave off my own orgasm. The sound of the headboard slamming into the wall faded away until all I could see and feel and hear were Daisy.

She was unlike anything that I had felt before. God knows, I’ve fucked some talented women, but her surprised and raw reactions to everything I did to her were pushing me to new height of sexual pleasure.

“Oh, God. Please. Please. Please. Brick!”

My name on her lips, not Master or even Mr. Langston but my first name, pushed me over as her orgasm clenched around me.

“Brick,” she said again, ending my name on a moan. Her own climax built, her body rocking against mine in pleasure and the ecstasy inside of me overtook all thought.

With a shout, I anchored myself inside of her and spilled my release. My whole body shook, building and building up, until the orgasm exploded inside me.

This was what I had craved on an animalistic level. What I’d needed. Daisy. All of her.

My orgasm filled me as I filled her pussy with my cum until there was nothing left. Nothing but the softness of the beautiful woman under me, and with a grunt, I collapsed on top of her.

Sweat. Sex. Soft sighs. When I came to, I was still inside her and my cock was stirring again, hardening for her. Gritting my teeth, I reached up and managed to release Daisy from her cuffs. How long had I been asleep? Were her arms numb from being cuffed above her? She slept peacefully, but when her hands landed on the pillows she shifted.

And circled her arms around me. I froze.

How easy it would be to stay here. To sleep in her embrace until I had the energy to take her again. We’d stay just like this. Sleeping and fucking.

Her fingers slipped into my hair, and I pushed away from her. What the hell was wrong with me?

“Clean yourself up,” I ordered quietly and gathered my clothes. “And get some sleep. You’ll have a lot to do tomorrow.”

As she reached for the blindfold, I turned my back and stalked out the door. Slamming it behind me, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I was shaking, and it had nothing to do with the shattering orgasm. Fucking her hadn’t taken the edge off of anything. It had just made things so very much worse.

Chapter Fifteen


It took me longer to get out of bed than usual, too wired to sleep. After Mr. Langston left me last night, I’d spent the better part of an hour in the bathroom, cleaning myself up, taking a shower, and staring at myself.


