My Boyfriend’s Boss Read Online Cassandra Dee, Kendall Blake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Billionaire, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 64704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 324(@200wpm)___ 259(@250wpm)___ 216(@300wpm)

Nadia’s shelter was set up for twenty-five women. Right now, there were only fifteen women living there. A few weeks after I arrived, a few of the women had saved up enough money to get their own places and moved out. Nadia had thrown them a going-away party. It was then that I knew this would be a good place for me. It was obvious that the women were close. They had found a family here, something I desperately needed.

“Officer Jenkins said that he was going to stop by later. I know it might be hard to talk to him, but it’ll be easier if you’ve eaten and showered.”

Sarah turned her head and stared at me. “He arrested my boyfriend. He’s supposed to tell me today if the judge set bail for Donnie.”

“You don’t have to worry. Even if your ex did make bail, Nadia and the police are very careful about keeping your whereabouts a secret. He won’t get you here. No matter what happens, you’ll have a place here for as long as you need it.”

Nodding, Sarah slowly reached for the bowl, and I mentally pumped my fist in victory. I didn’t want to push Sarah for her story, just wanted her to make sure she ate.

“How long have you been here?” she asked, pouring the cereal and milk.

“Three months.” I stirred the granola around and smiled encouragingly at Sarah. “I was in a strange situation. My boyfriend was sort of pimping me out to his boss for extra money. I was in a bad place. I’d just lost my home, and thought my boyfriend had my best interests in mind, but he was just after the money. Things didn’t go well, and I ended up leaving. I was homeless when Nadia found me.”

A horrified look crossed Sarah’s face. “You were sold as a sex slave?”

“It’s not as bad as it sounds. I was a willing participant—even thought his boss might have feelings for me, but I was wrong.”

“You fell in love with him?”

“Yeah.” It was easier for me to admit it now, after telling Nadia first. And the shame about that had been following me around since I’d left Brick’s condo was slowly starting to fade. I had fallen in love with Brick Langston. “I felt horribly guilty about it. I was supposed to be with my boyfriend, and here I was, falling in love with the man who had bought me. I wondered what kind of woman did that.”

“It’s not your fault,” Sarah said harshly. “You don’t have to feel guilty about it.”

Bingo. “You’re right. I don’t. And neither do you, Sarah. I know what your boyfriend did to you. And about the hospital visits and the death threats. I know that you tried to leave him before. What he did to you was not your fault.”

“He went after my sister. If I had left him sooner…”

“No.” Leaning over, I squeezed her hand. “Listen to me. It’s not your fault. What happen to you and what happened to your sister is because of your ex-boyfriend and no one else. Do you understand?”

“She’s never going to speak to me again.”

“How do you know that? Sarah, you haven’t visited your sister in the hospital. Officer Jenkins says that she’s been asking for you. You need to let go of this needless blame that you’re carrying and go visit her, okay?”

Slowly, she nodded. “Good. If you’re feeling up to it, Officer Jenkins will take you to see her today. If it makes you feel safer, your sister can stay here with you as well until things settle down.”

We finished our cereal, and by the time I left her, Sarah was getting ready to take a shower and walk around for a bit. I checked on the rest of the women. Two of them had job interviews, so we went through the community work outfits to find something that would fit them and went over some mock interview questions. I cleaned up the kitchen and got ready for work.

Burger Mac was slow when I clocked-in. Pulling my hair back, I signed into the register and quickly counted the cash. I had just finished setting up when a figure approached the counter.

“Welcome to Burger Mac,” I said, looking up, but under those familiar piercing eyes, my smile faded. “Brick.”

He looked horrible. His normally penetrating eyes were red-rimmed and heavy with dark circles. His hair was a mess, and his clothes were unkempt. He obviously hadn’t shaved in days, but despite all of this, he was still beautiful.

“Daisy,” he said hoarsely. “I’ve been looking for you.”

I glanced around uneasily, and my manager, Karen, immediately walked towards me. “Welcome to Burger Mac,” my manager echoed. “Daisy, I’ll be happy to take care of this customer.”

“No.” Brick reached out and grabbed my arm. “Daisy, I need to talk to you.”


