My Temptation (Kingston Lane #1) Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Kingston Lane Series by T.L. Swan

Total pages in book: 130
Estimated words: 131728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

His dark eyes drop to my lips, and then, as if remembering where he is, he turns back to face the doors; his face is solemn. “When are you seeing him again?”


“The designer,” he spits.

“Oh my god, will you drop it?” I whisper angrily.

We get to our floor, and we walk down the wide and fancy corridor. He passes me a key. “Six o’clock.”


“I’ll come and get you.”


We stare at each other; an unspoken feeling runs between us. He’s battling with jealousy and wants to explode, and I have to say I’m totally into it.

“See you at six.”

He steps forward, forcing me to step back. “What are you wearing?”



I do love it when he’s naughty.

I turn to my door. “Goodbye, Henley.”

“See you at six.”

“Holy fuck,” Chloe whispers as she looks at my reflection over FaceTime. “This poor bastard doesn’t stand a chance tonight.”

I giggle. “That is the plan.”

Knock, knock sounds at the door. “I’ve got to go—he’s here.”

“Text me updates. Love you.”

“Bye.” I take one last look at myself: deep-red corset, plunging neckline, and a flowing skirt. I smile, happy with what I see. This dress was worth every penny.

I open the door in a rush, and there he stands. His messy dark hair and black dinner suit, and a smile that could blow up the world.

“Hi,” he breathes. He steps forward, taking me into his arms.

“Hi.” One touch and my hormones are in overdrive.

His eyes drop down my body and then darken. “You look fucking delicious.”

I smile up at him as the air crackles between us. Without saying a word, he takes my face in his hands and kisses me. A gentle brush of his lips, a little tongue, and a whole load of promise.

Dear god.

Chapter 11


Just a taste . . .

“Henley.” Juliet pushes me back. “What the hell are you doing?”

Pulled out of my momentary dick fog, I look up at her. What am I doing?


She takes a step back as she pulls out of our kiss.

That was a brain snap and a half. “Well, you shouldn’t look so gorgeous. I am only human, Juliet. There’s only so much a man can take.”

She smiles up at me, and I feel it all the way to the tip of my dick. Unable to help it, I take her in my arms. “We should practice kissing some more.”

She smirks. “Should we?”

My lips dust hers, and a tidal wave of desire rips through my very core. We kiss again, and my eyes close as I pull her closer. What is it about this woman?

Every touch is magnified.

We kiss again and again, and I step forward, pinning her to the counter.

Thump, thump, thump throbs my cock.

I want more.

“That’s enough.” She breaks the kiss and pulls out of my arms.

“What? We haven’t even started yet.”

“This is a fake date, Henley; we don’t need to practice kissing in private. I think we both know that we already have it perfected.”

I stare at her. With no blood left for it, my brain is having a hard time functioning. “Right.”

Get it together.

I drag my hands through my hair. My eyes drop down her luscious body in that red dress. And I swear, I’m two seconds away from blowing.

Which is not in the plan.

“We should get going,” I tell her.


My eyes drop to her lips, and I imagine them around my cock. I feel myself harden to an almost painful level.

In slow motion she licks them, and I clench as if I feel it. My eyes rise to meet hers.

“Everything all right?” she whispers. She runs her hands over her breasts and down to sit on her waist. She gives a playful wiggle of her hips. “Henley?”

Is she playing with me?

“I’m fine,” I reply sharply. “We should get going.”


I open the door, and she sashays past me; I follow her down the corridor with my eyes on her ass.

I imagine bending her over and giving it to her from behind. I wouldn’t need any practice for that one. I know what to do.

We get into the elevator, and she takes my hand in hers. “I’m looking forward to tonight.” She smiles casually.

“Me too,” I lie. I have no interest in the event tonight. We are only going so that I have a legitimate reason to touch her.

“Our second fake date.” She smiles up at me.

I smirk, and then in slow motion she lifts my hand to her lips and kisses the back of it tenderly.

Uneasiness falls over me.

Don’t do that.

“I’m eating all the dessert tonight.” She smiles casually. “I wonder what the main course will be.” She kisses my hand again, completely distracted. “I’m hoping we can order whatever we want. I’m craving carbs.”

I stare at her as the walls close in around me. This feels very real-date-like.

The way she looks. The way I feel.

“You should stick to protein,” I mutter.


