My Temptation (Kingston Lane #1) Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Kingston Lane Series by T.L. Swan

Total pages in book: 130
Estimated words: 131728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

There’s a silence, a deep ache, and longing. Perhaps even an understanding that this is more . . . or maybe that’s just my wishful thinking.

He stands, and his lips drop to my collarbone. And he slowly kisses up my neck as he reaches around and undoes my bra. I can’t string two words together, so I stay quiet and let him lead the way. My body’s reaction to him is out of this world.

It’s like I can feel something shifting deep within my DNA, a longing that has never been met, a thousand goose bumps, a million senses waking from a dormant sleep.

He holds his arm out from his side and drops my bra onto the ground in a dramatic fashion, and I stand before him, naked and vulnerable.

His eyes roam over my skin and down over my sex and come up to linger on my breasts as I hold my breath.

Say something.

“You’re more beautiful than I remembered,” he murmurs as his eyes meet mine. “And trust me, I’ve remembered that moment a lot.”

There it is—a glimmer of softness.

“I need you naked,” I whisper.

He holds his hands out wide. “I’m all yours.”


I step closer and run my hands up over his broad chest, and if I’m not mistaken, he’s not breathing either. I bend and kiss his chest as it rises and falls. I put my hand over his heart and feel it race beneath my fingers.

My eyes search his. And what the hell is going on here?


I undo the buckle on his belt and slide it out of his pants. And then I undo the button and fly. My god . . . my heart is hammering in my chest. Have I ever been so nervous?

I slide his pants down and see his white briefs.

Tanned and toned, his abs and thick quad muscles are just so masculine. I’ve never seen such a virile man.

“All of it,” he breathes.

My eyes shoot up. That’s right, I’m supposed to be undressing him, not standing here ogling in my very own fantasyland. “I’m taking my time,” I whisper as I softly kiss his big pouty lips. His eyes close as he gets lost in the moment. And damn it—I don’t care how the sex goes. The night is already perfection.

I slide his briefs down, and my breath catches. Fuck.

He’s huge and hard. The engorged head of his cock is shiny and red, weeping with pre-ejaculate.

That is one beautiful dick.

Unable to help it, I bend and lick the pre-ejaculate from his tip, and he inhales sharply. I take him into my mouth and slide him down my throat. His knees nearly buckle from beneath him. “You taste so good,” I whisper around him.

His hands tenderly swipe my hair back from my face as he watches. I clench my legs together to try and control my urges.

“Enough,” he murmurs before pulling me to my feet. “I need you.” He pulls me over to an armchair in the corner of the room. “I need it to be here.”

I frown.

“You have no idea how much you riding me the other night on that chair is burned into my brain.”

“You want it like that?”

He nods and goes to his suit and takes a condom out of the pocket and then sits down.

I stare at him as my brain misfires. “But . . .”

“I don’t want foreplay. Not this time.”

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

“I want to feel you struggle to take in every inch.”


Fuck, there are a lot of inches.

He rolls the condom on and holds his hand out to help me as I climb over him. Then, in another unexpected move, he positions my legs over the arms of the armchair.

“I . . .”

“You what?” he asks softly as he brushes the hair back from my face.

I’m not on my knees. I have no leverage, no safety net. “I have no control like this. What if . . .”

“What if I hurt you?”

I nod.

He kisses me softly, his tongue slowly plowing through my open lips. “I will hurt you, Juliet.” He kisses me again. “But it’s a good pain.” His lips linger over mine. “It’s a pain that I need.”

I stare at him—confused, aroused, and completely terrified. It’s not even about the pain. It’s the fact that he wants to get off on it.

Our kiss deepens, and once again he steals my thoughts. “Can you do that for me, baby?” he whispers.


I nod nervously. I’ll do anything to have him call me that again. “Okay.”

He lifts me and places the head of his cock at my entrance. It’s like a cement wall.

No give at all. His size has scared me.

“Relax,” he whispers up at me. His voice is soft, cajoling. “Work your way down on it.” His lips take mine, and I push down a little. “That’s it.” He smiles against my lips.


