My Temptation (Kingston Lane #1) Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Kingston Lane Series by T.L. Swan

Total pages in book: 130
Estimated words: 131728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

He’s feeding his body now; I have nothing to do with it anymore.

He licks me deeper and deeper, and aah . . . What the hell is he doing? We just had sex. This is perverted.

But it’s not, not even close.

This is dirty and hot, just like I knew he would be.

He takes me there again, licking me until I can’t stand it, until I’m writhing on the bed. And then he flips me over onto my knees and pulls my hips up with a sharp snap.

I hear the condom wrapper tear, and he grabs a handful of my hair and pulls my head back as he slams in hard. My knees nearly buckle from underneath me, and he slaps my ass. “Get on your knees and ride this fucking cock. I’m nowhere near finished with you.” He slides his thumb into my ass. “My dirty girl next door.”

Excitement runs through me, and I smile.

Hands down, best night of my life.

I wake up sleepy and put my arm out for Henley. The bed is empty, and I look around the darkened hotel room. Is he in the bathroom? “Hen?” I call.

No answer.

I sit up. “Henley?”

Silence . . .

The energy is different. Fuck it. He’s gone.

I reach over and grab my phone to check the time: 6:00 a.m.

Did he leave last night after I went to sleep?

He broke me in on the armchair. Then we had rough sex. Then we had a shower, and somehow that turned into sex, too, and eventually, we rolled into bed exhausted. I don’t remember much after that, but I do remember him holding me close as I drifted off to sleep.


I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. On the way back to bed, I see a scribbled note on the bedside table.

Gone to the gym,

back soon.


Relief fills me. Okay . . . he’s only at the gym, and he left me a note.

Crisis averted.

I lie in bed and smile goofily up at the ceiling. Last night was the most incredible sexual experience of my life.

He’s so . . .


I feel sated and alive. And damn it, I want more.

Henley James is one addictive drug.

I know he’s not at the gym. He’s visiting his father, being the wonderful man that I know he is deep down. He’ll be back soon.

Fuck, he’ll be back soon, and I look like roadkill. I need to be simply irresistible from here on out. I jump up and bounce into the shower. Time to get back to my hard-to-get plan.

Focus, bitch.

“Another coffee?” the waitress asks.

“That would be lovely. Thank you.” I smile. I glance at my watch. 7:45 a.m.

Where is he?

I’m sitting in the hotel restaurant, trying to play hard to get. I’m waiting for him to call me to see where I am when he gets back.

He better fucking call me.

What if this plan backfires and he just leaves without me?

It won’t. He won’t.

If I want more of this man, I have to make him think I’m not attached and clingy.

But right at this moment, I feel serial-killer clingy toward him.

My phone beeps a text.

Where are you?

I smile. Yes!

I text him back.

I’m in the restaurant having breakfast.

Join me?

I hunch my shoulders up like a little kid. Everything is going according to plan.

Okay, see you soon.

I open my prop newspaper, and with my heart thumping in my chest, I prepare myself for battle.

Ten minutes later. “Hello.”

I glance up to see Mr. Gorgeous sliding into the seat opposite me. I want to jump up and kiss him, hug him so tight that he pops, but I won’t.

“Hi.” I smile casually. I turn my attention back to my paper. “How was the gym?”

“It was okay.” He looks around. “Is it a buffet, or are we ordering?”

“I’ve already eaten,” I lie. “I was hungry.”


“I’ll wait with you while you eat if you like.” I glance up from my paper as if he’s an inconvenience.

A frown flashes across his face before he quickly hides it. “Don’t let me keep you.”

“No, no.” I glance at my watch. “I’ve got half an hour.”

His eyes hold mine. “Before what?”

“I’m going shopping. My girlfriends are meeting me. We have a full day planned.”

“Really?” He rolls his lips as if annoyed.

“You didn’t expect me to go home with you, did you?”

His jaw tics in anger. “Not at all.”

The waitress comes over. “Can I take your order, sir?”

“Yes.” He looks over the menu. “I’ll have the big breakfast, please, with a latte and an orange juice.”

“Sure.” She scribbles down his order before leaving us alone.

I keep reading the paper, and I can feel Henley’s eyes fixed on me. “You don’t have to stay,” he says.

“Actually, I might get going. I do have a lot to do.” I fold my paper in half and drink the last of my coffee.


