My Temptation (Kingston Lane #1) Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Kingston Lane Series by T.L. Swan

Total pages in book: 130
Estimated words: 131728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

“Shh with all the jabbering. I’m watching M*A*S*H.”

I glance up at the television to see a Wonder Mop being advertised. “I’ll leave you to it.” I walk to the door and look back at Bernard. He’s concentrating on the television, totally engrossed.

With a heavy heart I walk up the corridor and get back to work.

Sometimes life just isn’t fair.

I peer out the upstairs window of my spare room.

It’s Friday night, and I’m spying into the backyard of Antony to see if Henley has arrived yet. I don’t want to get there before him, but the longer I stay here, the more nervous I become. The whole street seems to be there, but so far, no sighting of Henley. He better be coming; these come-fuck-me jeans cost me one hundred and twenty damn dollars.

Just as the salesgirl told me to, I’m wearing a boosty bra and white T-shirt. My hair is up, and I am trying my very best to be the fuckable girl next door.

Okay, I need to just go before I give myself a heart attack.

I grab my bottle of wine and the cheese platter that I made. “Wish me luck, Bazza.”

I make my way over, and the front door of their house is open. I can hear chatter coming from inside.


Why am I here? I feel as awkward as all hell.

“Come in, come in,” I hear a deep voice call from the kitchen.

Antony meets me in the doorway. “You came.” He laughs as he pulls me into a hug.

“Thanks for inviting me.” I hold out my platter. “I brought cheese.”

“Excellent.” He takes the platter from me. “Everyone is out back, and the wineglasses are in the kitchen. Help yourself. I’ll put this out on the table.”


“There you are,” a familiar voice says from behind me before kissing my cheek.

“Rebecca.” I smile. “Thank god, you’re here.”

She links arms with me, and we walk into the kitchen. “Of course I’m here. Had to come and watch tittsy Taryn make her move.” She gets out two wineglasses, and I open my bottle of wine.

“What do you mean?” I frown.

“Apparently she’s been tuning Henley all week.”

“Tuning . . . as in?”

“I don’t know, probably sucking his dick, knowing her.”

I stare at her, horrified. “Wait, has this actually happened or speculation?”

“Speculation, of course.” She rolls her eyes. “But who knows.”

I sip my wine as my mind races.

If he’s touched a single hair on her head . . . then that’s it.

I’ll go postal.

There are no words to tell you how postal I am going. And I’m also murdering him and burying him in my backyard.

Jail would be worth it.

I drain my glass. “Another one?” I put my glass on the table.

Rebecca’s eyes widen. “Thirsty?”


“Hi, girls,” a sexy voice purrs from behind us. We turn, and Taryn breezes in. Hair out, wearing a full face of makeup. She’s in a tight, stretchy pale-pink dress that leaves nothing to the imagination.

Damn it. She looks amazing, and why are her boobs so good?

Huge and perky.

My tight jeans suddenly feel very mom-like.

“Where are the boys?” Taryn asks as she looks out the back door. “Is everyone here? I’ve been so looking forward to tonight.”

Rebecca crosses her eyes as she sips her wine, and I bite my lip to hide my smile.

“We’re here,” Rebecca replies.

“But what about the fun people?” she asks, distracted, as she looks into the backyard.

“Rude,” Rebecca mouths as she flips off Taryn to her back, and I drop my head to stop myself from laughing out loud.

Could she be any more obvious?

“Ladies,” Henley’s sexy voice says from behind me.

My stomach flutters at the mere sound of his voice, and I turn toward him. He gives me a slow sexy smile, and I just want to hug him.

Is it possible to miss someone you hardly know?

“Henley,” Taryn gasps in an over-the-top way. She runs toward him and hugs him, doing exactly what I wanted to do. “I’m so glad you’re here, darling. It’s not a party without you,” she coos.

Henley smiles. “Taryn.” He unfolds himself out of her arms. “I’m heading out back.”

“I’ll come.” Taryn smiles as she links her arm through his. They disappear out the back door.

“Fuck you, Taryn,” Rebecca whispers. “Seriously, she’s a vulture. If he sleeps with her, I will never forgive him.”

That makes two of us.

“What’s going on there?” I ask in a whisper.

“I know she wants him. Word is that she left her husband for him.”

I stare at her, horrified. “So they have slept together?”

Rebecca shrugs. “I don’t know, surely not.”

“She is hot.” I sip my wine, distracted.

This is a disaster.

“She’s not as hot as you,” Rebecca whispers. “Make a move.”

“I already did,” I whisper back.


“We slept together on the weekend.”

Rebecca’s eyes widen. “Oh my fuck, tell me everything.”

“Ladies,” a male voice says from behind us. We turn guiltily to see three of the military boys standing in the kitchen. Huge and overpowering the space.


