My Temptation (Kingston Lane #1) Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Kingston Lane Series by T.L. Swan

Total pages in book: 130
Estimated words: 131728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

My eyes drop to his erection, engorged, with thick veins coursing down the length of it.

I feel a flutter down below.

Seriously . . .

Has there ever been a more beautiful dick in the history of human life?

“I thought you were coming over for conversation,” I whisper.

He smiles darkly and pulls my nightdress off over my head and throws it to the side. His eyes drop to my bare breasts. “It’s not your mouth I want to talk to.”

He’s so naughty.

“What do you want to talk to?” I play dumb.

He lifts me and sits me up on the kitchen counter. We stare at each other, and then he slides my panties down my legs and takes them off. “I want to speak to the supervisor.” He circles his four fingertips over my clitoris.

Feels good.

He spreads my legs and then slides his finger deep into my sex and begins to pump me. Then he adds another finger, then another.

I close my eyes to deal with the pleasure. “That’s a good place to start.”

The sound of my arousal sucking him in echoes through the kitchen. Jeez . . . he’s been here for all of two minutes.

We’re like animals together.

He puts his mouth to my ear. “I fucked myself twice today, imagining doing this to you,” he whispers.

I shudder at his dirty words and clench my sex around his fingers.

He smiles darkly. “You like the thought of me fucking myself?”

I whimper as he works me hard. My breasts begin to bounce, and he bends and takes a nipple into his mouth and bites me. Arousal surges through me as I lose control.

He lifts me, and we fall back onto the couch, and in one sharp movement he pulls me over and onto him. His thick cock slides deep and full in. We both moan in pleasure.

We lose control, fucking each other hard and loud.

My knees are up around his shoulders, and he’s so deep inside of me, burning me up from the inside out.

I tip my head back and cry out as I come in a rush, and he holds himself deep.

An earth-shattering orgasm stealing sanity from us both.

And then he kisses me, soft and tender. As if he’s been missing me all day.

Just like I’ve been missing him.

“Hi.” He smiles, almost as if embarrassed at our lack of control.

“Hi.” I smile shyly up at him.

He’s disheveled and just fucked. His dark hair hanging over his forehead. His body still deep inside of mine.

“That was a great conversation.” He smirks.

I giggle and put my head onto his shoulder, and then a thought runs through my head.


No condom.

Chapter 14


My heart is racing. The highest of highs tears through me, and I kiss Juliet’s temple in a postorgasmic glow.

God, she’s perfect.

I feel her stiffen. “What’s wrong?” I whisper as I hold her face in my hands and kiss her softly.

“Nothing.” She kisses me back. “I’m on the pill. It’s okay.”


No condom?


I pull out and take a step back from her to look down at myself, horrified.

The earth spins beneath me. “What do you mean?”

How the fuck did I forget a condom?

No . . . Oh my god.

I drag my two hands through my hair. The air has left my lungs.

“Henley, it’s okay,” she says in a soft voice, as if speaking to a child. “It’s okay. We were just lost in the moment. It’s okay.”

“How is this fucking okay?” I stammer, wide eyed.

“I’m on the pill, and as long as you don’t have an STD.”

“I don’t have a fucking STD,” I spit angrily. I zip my jeans up with a sharp snap.

Juliet’s eyes search mine. “Hen . . . ?”

“Don’t.” I turn my back, unable to look her in the eye. “I’m sorry.” I struggle to find the right words. “I’m . . . that is not okay.”

A large lump is nestled deep in my throat, and I close my eyes. My chest rises and falls as I struggle for air. “I have to go.”

“Hen,” she whispers. “Don’t let this ruin our night. It’s fine. I promise you I’m on the pill.”

“Nothing about this is fine, Juliet,” I snap. I stumble through the door.

“Henley,” Juliet calls after me.

Before I know it, I am striding over to my house. I burst through the door and slam it hard behind me.

I lean up against the back of it as if hiding from the firing squad.

Maybe I am.

I look around my empty house, dark and silent. I don’t want to be here, damn it . . . I really wanted to see her tonight.

You already got what you wanted.

I close my eyes in disgust.

Not even close.


I walk into the restaurant and look around. Blake spots me and gives me a wave. I make my way over to him and Antony.

“Hey,” I sigh as I pull out a chair. They are in deep conversation.


