Ninth Circle Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic, Thriller Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 142664 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 713(@200wpm)___ 571(@250wpm)___ 476(@300wpm)

I’d wanted to see them suffer, to see the hurt in them, but over all these years, neither the mother nor the daughter had ever given me that. It used to enrage me the way the little bitch would look at me as if looking through me. Her attitude was one of the reasons I could never forget where I came from.

Even after her brothers all went away, I was still able to go only so far with dealing with her because I knew they would show up at my door otherwise, and since I couldn’t harm her any other way, I made sure Corbin was never there for her again. He had to take my daughter to all those father-daughter fancy shindigs whether he wanted to or not.

I’d made sure my daughter got to go to the same school, wear the same stuff and get invited to everything Alyssa did. That all came to an end when she got into a fancy school that my kid couldn’t attend for college and then I lost what little grip I had on her.

She’d gone radio silent right away, cutting off her father and me; not that we had any kind of relationship before that, but at least I used to be able to get little snippets of her life here and there. But once she went away to college it was as if we never existed.

I know for a fact that she never called her Dad because I used to check his phone. There was no communication between the two of them for years, and then the rest of their families on both sides were very protective of her like she was something special.

No one ever knew anything about how she was doing and such until she graduated from college with her fancy degree and went right into that high-paying job. No doubt she’d slept her way into that job, just like she’d fooled this rich man into marrying her.

I never trusted the bitch because she looked too much like her mother. All they had going for them were their looks and old family money that they didn’t have to work for. My daughter and I were just as pretty, and we deserved to have the same kind of life.

But now everyone seems to be coming out of the woodwork with their own opinions about me and my daughter. I’m still trying to figure out who this Rhoda person is who seems to know all of my business. I wonder if she’s the one who gave Corbin the information about my affairs?

But how did she get those pictures and the screenshots of our shared messages? Some of those pictures went back years, but I’d only just started seeing that name. Not only was she sending this stuff to Corbin but she was sharing it all over town with people I wanted to think highly of me.

No wonder no one wanted to lend a helping hand and all those women who had once been my friends just a few short weeks ago had blocked me and were now acting as if they didn’t know me.

My phone went off and almost scared me to death. I answered sharply and felt my blood pressure rise. Hello Helen, are you having fun yet? Just in case you’re wondering, this is Alyssa. I just wanted to let you know that everything that has been happening to you is my doing, and this is just the beginning.”

“You little bitch…”

“And by the way, Mom and Dad are getting back together. You wasted fifteen years of your life for a man who never wanted you or your daughter. But I guess you didn’t miss him in your bed since you slept with everything that wasn’t nailed down.”

“It was you.”

“Damn straight, it was me. You took my childhood; now, I’ve taken the rest of your life. I told you to get the hell out of my town; you should’ve listened. But since you decided to stay here, you can reap what you sowed.”

“What did you do, you little bitch? If you think I’m gonna let you get away with this…”

“You don’t scare me. You’re an old, broke bitch, who no one likes. Your reputation is in the toilet, and now everyone knows what you really are.”

“By the way, how did you like those fleas? Are you still itching?” Just the mention of them made that shit start up again.

“I’ll tell everyone.”

“And no one will believe you. Because you’re a known liar and a thief. Did you see what those women you tried so hard to fit in with have to say about you?”

“You were never accepted, and you never will be. I used to listen to those women talk about you, and my Mom, the saint that she is, would take them to task for speaking ill about you, but what did you do? You tried to drag both her name and mine through the mud. Now that shit is coming back to you. If you don’t leave, I won’t stop. I don’t want to see your face around these parts again.”


