One Bossy Date – Bossy Seattle Suits Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 158829 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 794(@200wpm)___ 635(@250wpm)___ 529(@300wpm)

I bend down and grab her hand, bringing it to my lips. “I need to say some goodbyes. I’ll be back.”

She smiles up at me as we part ways.

I make it quick, taking my compliments in stride and ensuring all the departments are in good hands. Then I track down Keenan and we run through the logistics one more time.

“Enough already! Have I ever let you down?” he asks, adjusting his glasses.

“No,” I say.

“Right. We’ve got this. The only thing that changes is you conferencing me in more often—and hopefully, you’ll be in a better mood because you’re getting laid.”

I glance around the room and back at my dumbass assistant. “Watch your mouth. We’re in a room full of people.”

Keenan laughs. “Romeo, you’re taking her away for three months. Nobody thinks you’re just going to hold hands. Lighten up on the Victorian England stuff.” He takes a drink of his seltzer.

“She’s a lady,” I growl back.

This time when he laughs louder, he loses a spill of water down his shirt.

“Ugh, maybe it is Victorian England.”

“You’re lucky you didn’t spray me.” I shake my head. “Take care. I have to find my girl.”

She’s still talking to Jennifer and Maisy and she’s cuter than ever, waving her hands around as she tells them about her plans to drag me all over Europe.

“Sunshine?” I offer her my arm.

Her eyes sparkle like green gems when she looks up.

Goddamn, will she always blush like that every time she looks at me?

I hope so as she takes my arm.

“They’re getting Andy on the plane now and everyone’s waiting. We should go.”

She hugs her dad and the kid one more time before I lead her out of the building to the SUV waiting at the curb.

Fyo holds the door open for us. We share a rare handshake.

“Thank you again. For everything,” I say.

“Boss, seeing your face like this is all the thanks I need,” he says.

“Like what?” I demand, touching my face.

He nods at the window. I catch my reflection in the tinted glass. I’m glowing too damned much to deny it.

He’s right—and it’s entirely Piper Renee’s fault.

“Fill me in on this new travel channel,” I demand once we’re in the car.

“Kiss me first.”

“Gladly.” With a low growl, I bring her lips to mine.

She explores my mouth with her tongue.

I skim my fingers down her sides, loving how she gasps and hating that I need to pull my hand the fuck away before I throw her down in the back of this car.

“Travel channel,” I clip. “Tell me right now.”

“Okay, well...” She laughs, a glorious sound that will never get old. “I’m shifting focus to simple places and secret treasures that don’t necessarily cost much to enjoy. Historical markers, parks, that sort of thing.”

“Everything worth seeing. That’s good for business,” I say, moving in to inhale her again.

Smiling, she pushes at me playfully. “That’s good for the soul, Brock. Not everybody who checks out my videos needs a fancy-schmancy Winthrope resort. A cheap AirBnB will do just as nicely.”

“I like how you think, Piper Renee. Just as long as I get to keep this pretty little head,” I whisper, pinning her to my shoulder.

“Lucky you, it’s always been yours.”

Piper planned out most of this trip, but we’ve had to compromise between the small bed and breakfasts and homey inns she loves and staying in Winthrope properties.

Mostly so I can cross-check to make sure they’re running as smoothly as Keenan claims.

God help me, I won’t be caught with my pants down again.

And Venice had to be the Winthrope Italia.

I insisted, if only so we could have this moment, standing on the private balcony with the silvery water sparkling under the full moon with my woman in my arms.

“Up there. Jupiter again,” I say, pointing at the bright star hanging over the lazy lights from ships below.

“Space dork,” she sasses back, wriggling in my arms.

I lean down and kiss her neck. “Are you enjoying our trip so far?”

“How is that a question?” She turns to look at me with a smile wider than her face. “This place is magical, but it wouldn’t be nearly as great without you.”

I chuckle, tilting her head back for a proper deep kiss.

“I’m feeling more than magic with you, woman. You’ve got me downright bewitched,” I admit.

She beams like the sun.

“That sounds like a cheesy pickup line...but I like it.”

I kiss her again to show how serious I am.

“Honest to God truth. But is it working?”

She laughs louder. “You think you still need a line? Um...”

“Need to woo you somehow,” I whisper, nipping at her ear. “You’re a woman of high class and higher standards, Miss Renee. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

She twines her arms and legs around me, spinning around with this moonstruck look on her face.

“What? Don’t tell me you’re dizzy?”


