One Bossy Date – Bossy Seattle Suits Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 158829 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 794(@200wpm)___ 635(@250wpm)___ 529(@300wpm)

There’s that laughing fit.

Hell of a time to be everyone’s joke today.

“Boss, wait. I’ve been with you for years.” He stifles a laugh, trying so hard to keep a straight face. “Haven’t I done my time in hell?”

“Old man, you’re lucky I like you and you’re good at what you do,” I say. I also know I’ll need his skills for this showdown with Apollo Finch, even if his sense of humor resembles a flaming bag of dog crap.

“You’re lucky I drive you,” he says seriously, tapping the wheel.

I start walking toward the house and shoot a middle finger behind my back.

“Do it again and I’m telling your grandmother!” he shouts.

I turn to face him, hellfire in my eyes. “If you do, wave goodbye to your Christmas bonus.”

Fyo chuckles, undeterred.

“What? What’s so damn funny?”

“You’re thirty-one and still afraid of babushka.”

“I’m not afraid.”

He mutters something in Russian behind his laughter. “Okay, yes, and you also don’t have a girlfriend you’re moving in.”


As I head into the small house, I just hope the entire world doesn’t start thinking the same shit.

There are still a thousand reasons why Piper Renee can’t ever be mine.

She doesn’t fit into my life, and I’m just blowing gaping holes through hers with each passing day.

I’ll help her and drag her body into sin, but I know damn well this strange, infuriating, impossible thing we’ve fallen into can’t last forever.

All good things must end.


Plus One (Piper)

I swear we’ve been driving forever and we still haven’t reached Brock’s place.

“How is this closer to the hospital?” I hope I don’t sound bitchy.

I’ve been fidgeting with my hands for so long my fingers are covered in half-moon indents from my nails.

“Fyodor takes this route to avoid the worst of rush hour. Give your fingers a rest, Sunshine. He’ll be fine.” He reaches over and takes my hand, stopping me from doing more idle damage.

“You think so? I wish I had your confidence...”

Maisy stiffens beside me.

Oops. I shouldn’t have blurted out my thoughts.

“I’m sure, Piper. Especially if they’re already talking about discharging him like you said this morning.”

“But there’ll be a ton of follow-ups,” I say weakly.

Brock nods. “Absolutely. And he’ll be home, ready to handle the care he needs.”

I side-eye him. Why does he sound so certain?

“How do you know so much about it?”

“I’ve dealt with hospitals before,” he tells me, looking out the window.

“Your parents?” I ask.


“Your grandparents—”


“Pippa, get a clue. Boss dude doesn’t want to talk about it,” Maisy snaps.

I shoot her a dirty look, hating that she might be right.

My face heats.

She’d better hope Dad comes home ASAP. She might need to beg him to intervene before I choke her.

Maisy looks at Brock and says, “How long have you guys been dating, anyway? She’s hid it pretty well if you’re already used to taking that much crap from her.”

Oh, God.

Brock chuckles. “I’m her boss. Nothing more.”

“Um, okay? But I saw you guys kissing from the window,” she says under her breath.

“You were watching us?” My voice is shrill, panicked.

Brock gives me a stern look.

“I saw it, too,” Fyo chimes in from the front.

I’m so flipping dead.

“Never mind him. He has the vision of a vodka-drenched mole.” Brock taps the controls at his side, raising the privacy screen.

I bury my face in my hands.

“Kindly leave her alone,” Brock says. “Your sister’s got a lot on her plate.”

What? I drop my hands.

He’s talking to Maisy, but the way he looks at me scrapes me so raw.

Until my brat of a sister giggles.

“What?” he asks.

“You’re just funny. You think I need your permission to harass my sister?”

“Fine. I’ll pay you to be quiet then,” he clips.

Maisy’s eyes go wide. “Seriously? How much?”

“Twenty bucks,” Brock tells her.

Maisy wrinkles her nose.

Oh, boy. Are we really negotiating over my sister’s stupid jokes?

“Thirty,” she counters.

Brock chuckles. “Thirty it is. I left a stack of three-dollar bills somewhere.”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. It comes out so sharp and unexpected my belly hurts as Maisy realizes she’s been beat.

“Keep laughing it up, chucklefreaks. You guys suck. No wonder you’re together,” Maisy says bitterly. “Should I tell him his nickname, Pippy?”

Brock’s smile fades as he looks at Maisy again. “I have an alias?”


“She gave you the nickname, not me. Her and Jenn...”

“This kid is going to be hell in the boardroom someday,” he says. “Do I want to know?”

Maisy looks at me and must sense I’m about to explode.

“I’m Venmoing you five bucks for coffee now. Will you shut it?” I snap. “And for the record, I’m twenty-four and I can kiss any man I want, thank you very much. Especially when I’m all emotional and my boss is just trying to be nice. But I don’t want you getting any crazy ideas, Mais. If you mention kissing again, I’ll—” I stop. I’ll what? There’s not much I can do. “I won’t buy you pizza. Ever again.”


