Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

“So where are we going?” I asked to distract myself from the dangerous sensations I was feeling.

“A microbrewery and pub I often visit with my brother. They have a nice selection and fantastic tasting options with delicious food to pair.”

I grinned. Xavier was spot-on with his choice. Then another thought crossed my mind. “So in public? Aren’t you worried about us being seen?” It was still too soon. I knew the press would ruin it for both of us if they found out this early in our…date trial.

Xavier pulled out of the street and sped up. “Like I said, I’ve been there before. It’s off the beaten path. I know the owner well. He always gives me a secluded booth.”

“Okay, that sounds good,” I said slowly. Xavier had more experience dealing with the press and them trailing him, so I had to trust he knew what he was doing.

Xavier glanced my way. “So I did good?”

“Very good so far. We’ll see how you keep faring.”

“And if I fare well, I get that kiss you promised?”

I swallowed. “Maybe.”

I didn’t miss the surprised look the owner of the brewery gave us when we stepped in, and of course felt self-conscious because of it. Xavier probably had never brought someone like me here. Xavier’s hand rested lightly on my lower back, and his biceps grazed my shoulder blade as he led me inside.

As if he could read my mind, Xavier said quietly, “I’ve never brought anyone but Marc here.”

That made me smile, and Xavier’s expression softened in a way it seldom did. We settled in a cozy booth in a corner with comfortable vintage leather benches and a table, which seemed to be made from old wine barrels. When the owner came over with the menu, Xavier shook his head. “The beer tasting with the matching bites.”

“You will love their food,” Xavier said when he turned back to me. If the spicy, warm scent was any indication, Xavier would be proven right.

I bit my lip, suddenly unsure what to say, how to act around Xavier. Luckily, the owner came our way with two wooden slabs that each held four small glasses of beer.

“You know the drill,” the owner said with a wink.

Xavier nodded.

I stared down at the four beers. The glasses were the size of bigger shots, not more. “I hope the food isn’t as tiny as well or we will have to hit a fast-food joint afterward.”

Xavier laughed. “Oh Evie, you are perfect.”

I flushed. “So what’s the matter with these tiny beer glasses?”

“The tasting consists of twelve beers in total. If they all were regular sized, I’d have to carry you out afterward.”

“First of all, I can hold my liquor pretty well, and second there’s no way you can carry me. I’m too heavy.”

“Wanna bet on it?”

“I’m not sure I want to bet with you.”

The wolfish smile. “Why not?”

“Because you don’t play fair.”

“Come on.”

I pointed at the beers. “Tell me a bit about them.”

Xavier gave me a knowing look, but he let me distract him. “The first one you should taste is the one on the right—it’s the lightest and won’t ruin your taste buds for the others.”

“You sound like a sommelier. Is there something like that for beer?”

He grinned, and raised his glass. “To us.”

I clanked my glass against his and emptied it in one swallow.

Xavier’s grin widened. “Just because they’re shot glasses doesn’t mean you have to ex them.”

I raised my eyebrows in challenge. “Don’t tell me it’s too much for you to swallow.” The moment the words left my mouth, I knew I’d given Xavier the perfect opening.

“I’d rather watch you swallow,” he growled, then downed the beer.

My cheeks blasted with heat, eyes widening.

Xavier shook his head, regret passing his face. “I shouldn’t have said that. Fuck. I’m already making a mess of this.”

I gave a shrug and pointed at the next glass. “What’s up next?”

Xavier leaned forward, lightly brushed my heated cheek with his thumb then kissed the hot skin. My eyes flew up to his. “I don’t know how to treat you,” he admitted in a low voice. “One moment I want to have my way with you, the next I want to protect you from me.”

I frowned. “You don’t need to protect me. I can protect myself. Just treat me like you treated me before sex was an issue. Like a friend, a human being. Not a vagina with limbs.”

Xavier choked out a laugh. “Okay. That image definitely ensures that your sex ban will be successful tonight.”

I smiled. “It would have been successful either way.”

Xavier didn’t get the chance for a comeback because the owner came with the food. A tray with plates of finger food. Everything looked delicious, and the moment I slipped a small fried ball of what proved to be slow-cooked pulled pork into my mouth, I knew I loved this place. I groaned as the decadent taste spread in my mouth.


