Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

“If this is some trick so I touch you by accident, it won’t work,” she said teasingly.

“I don’t want you to touch my cock by accident, I want you to do it on purpose because you want it,” I said in a low voice, and Evie gave a small shudder.

Smiling to myself, I turned back to the screen. Soon we were both immersed in the movie, which as usual was so much more entertaining thanks to Evie’s snarky commentary. My hand on her waist began to travel up and down her side, enjoying her soft curves. It wasn’t something I had ever considered liking. Evie’s breathing deepened when my fingers brushed her ribcage.

By now, I was glad for the bag of chips in my lap because it hid my fucking boner.

When the movie was finally over, Evie lifted her head, looking slightly disheveled. She stifled a yawn. “I should probably get home.”

“You’ve had a few beers. Why don’t you spend the night?”

“Xavier,” she began, but I quickly interrupted her. “Just sleep. I don’t want you to go home now and it’s not like you’ve never slept here before, and I’m not speaking of last time.”

“But things are different now,” she said softly, then sighed. Seeing Evie this hesitant and wary around me made me realize just how badly I’d messed up. I’d never intended to take things that far with Evie. In the beginning I hadn’t even been interested in her in that regard, but that changed pretty quickly, and now here I was, horny like a teenage boy.

“I can’t speak for you, but I’ll keep my hands to myself.”

She rolled her eyes in that fucking adorable way. “Your virtue is safe with me.”

“That ship has sailed a long time ago.”

“How long?” she asked, curiosity taking over.

I chuckled, leaning closer. “A long time ago.” Evie didn’t need to know that I’d lost it in a car when I was fifteen with a woman five years older who was also my brother’s ex. She’d done it to spite him, and I had been too desperate for pussy to say no.

Her brows furrowed. “Maybe I’ll just ask your brother next time I see him.”

“He might just tell you. My family is fawning over you.”

“They are, aren’t they?” she said with a hint of smugness.

I could have kicked myself. It wasn’t something I wanted to share with Evie. They all had been on my back, asking about Evie since I’d brought her over. They would order fireworks the moment I told them we were actually dating.

“Stay tonight, Evie,” I said quietly, cupping her cheek.

Her lashes fluttered and she nodded. “Okay.”

For a moment, her agreement almost immobilized me. Me. Xavier—The Beast—Stevens. I could shove a boulder off me, but that breathy whisper got to me.

I snatched the chips bag off my lap and put it away. Evie had drawn back, and her eyes were doing the quick scan of my body that sent a clear message straight to my dick. I stood, knowing I was giving her a show of what exactly her appraisal did to me.

Evie averted her eyes, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, swallowed. I held out my hand for her. She tilted her head up, eyes narrowing ever so slightly as she considered my expression. Then she put her hand in mine so I could pull her up. “Where will I sleep?”

“My bed,” the words practically shot out of my mouth.

“I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”

It wasn’t. Not with the way Evie kept undressing me with her eyes, not with the way my cock was straining against my pants, not with Evie’s sweet scent flooding my nose. “I will behave if you do,” I murmured.

Her lashes fluttered and she didn’t say anything, which was all the answer I needed, and it gave my dick more encouragement than it required.

Evie followed me upstairs into my bedroom. Her fingers stiffened in mine.

“Only sleep,” she said in warning, but there was still that hint of insecurity in her expression.

“Evie, I would never do anything you don’t want.”

She gave me a resolute look. “Only sleep.” I really wasn’t sure if she was reminding me or herself.

I released her and went over to my drawer to rummage for one of my shirts she could put on for sleep. I pulled one of my favorite shirts out and handed it to her. After a moment of hesitation, she disappeared in my bathroom. Running a hand through my hair, my eyes found my bed. Sleep was the last thing I wanted to do, but I didn’t want to mess this up with Evie again.

When Evie emerged five minutes later wearing only my too-large shirt, my heart skipped a fucking beat at the sight of her in my clothes. My shirt reached her thighs, and my eyes were drawn to her soft flesh, imagining how it would feel to be wedged between her legs and taste her. No man had ever done that to Evie, no man had ever been between those luscious thighs. I could have kicked my horny past-self for not eating Evie out. Why had I pounced on her like a fucking stag in rutting season? And my shirt did nothing to hide Evie’s marvelous tits. I’d never considered myself a breast man. But with Evie…


