Only Work, No Play Read online Cora Reilly (Tough Games #1)

Categories Genre: Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Tough Games Series by Cora Reilly

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

Cupping her cheeks, I pulled her in for another kiss, wanting her to taste her sweetness. She moaned into my mouth, pressing those amazing tits against my chest. Good Lord. I turned with her in my arms and tugged at her dress. She stilled but allowed me to pull the piece of clothing over her head. Only the light from below allowed me to see Evie, but she was mostly in shadows, a fucking shame. I reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, allowing her breasts to spring free, and I exhaled. Even in the half-dark, they were a sight to behold.

“Xavier,” Evie whispered, insecurity in her voice.

“Lie down,” I rasped, and for once she didn’t give me a comeback, which showed me how nervous she was about her nakedness. I wanted to see her, all of her, but turning the light on would have only upped Evie’s nerves. Deciding to distract her, I started to strip for her slowly, despite my cock’s urgency to find a warm home. Evie’s eyes followed my hands as I unbuckled my belt and inched my pants down, followed by my briefs.

She released a soft breath, so close to a moan that it sent a jolt straight into my balls. I grinned, satisfied that my body had that effect on Evie.

“That self-satisfied grin lights up the dark in the most annoying way,” Evie muttered. Sarcasm was always a good indicator that Evie was starting to relax. I turned the switch that turned on the lights in the bathroom. The soft glow spilled onto the bed and Evie, allowing me to see her gorgeous face.

I climbed on the bed before she could get self-conscious again and claimed her mouth for a kiss, but I had to have a taste of her breasts. Evie squirmed under my body, moaning and gasping as I stroked and kissed her tits.

“Xavier,” she whispered, needy and throaty.

My hand trailed down her side, along her soft flesh, over her round hips as my mouth around her nipple kept Evie too distracted to worry about all the things she tended to worry about. My fingers brushed her soft hair, then lower, feeling her wetness. I pushed a finger into her, then added a second, and Evie came with a violent shudder, her muscles squeezing me tightly. I groaned around her nipple. My cock was trying to dig for mineral oil in the mattress. But there was still the no-sex ban in place.

I didn’t want to presume her request to go upstairs meant she wanted sex. With any other woman, yes, but with Evie I didn’t want to fuck up again. She was too important to let my dick run and ruin the show again.

As if Evie could read my mind, she said, “I want you.”

“What about the ban?” I teased as I kissed my way up her throat.

“Shut up,” she murmured, then gasped when I swiped my thumb over her slick clit.

Grinning, I reached over her for the packet of condoms in my drawer. I ripped it open with my teeth and rolled the condom down my cock. I squeezed myself once. Hard as it could be. When I looked up, my smirk fell. Evie looked anxious.

I climbed up until my body covered hers, my weight resting on my forearms. She raised her head and met me with a kiss. Her arms came around my back, then slid down to my lower back, where they came to a halt as if she didn’t dare move lower. “All yours,” I said with a grin.

She squeezed my butt and I flexed my muscles in response, causing her to laugh that unrestrained, full-body laugh I couldn’t get enough of.

I moved my hips until my cock was pressed up against her opening. Warm and wet and welcoming.

She held her breath, her fingers against my ass tensing, her body bracing for pain.

“Breathe, Evie. I don’t want you to pass out. You’ll miss a life-changing performance,” I rasped, because I was so very close to losing every shred of my sanity.

She smiled, but it was shaky. Fuck. Pain was the fucking last thing I wanted her to feel. I wanted this to be good for her.

“It’ll be less painful this time,” I told her. I really hoped it was true. The idea of hurting her again didn’t sit well with me.

“How would you know?”

“I read a few articles in preparation for tonight.”

Her body shook with laughter under me, eyes bright and playful. “You didn’t.”

“I can’t have you laughing at me,” I murmured in a low voice, grinning. I shifted forward, my tip entering her, and I almost breathed a sigh of relief when I slipped in easier this time. She was still incredibly tight, deliciously so, but there wasn’t that firm resistance like last time.

She fell silent. I watched her face as I pressed forward. The occasional wince made me slow even further until I was finally buried completely inside her. For a moment I was sure I’d come on the spot because she was so tight and the sensations threatened to overwhelm me but I could exert control if I wanted to.


