Our Chance – Curvy Women Wanted Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 17
Estimated words: 15962 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 80(@200wpm)___ 64(@250wpm)___ 53(@300wpm)

She moved from guy to guy, leaving when the boredom sank in.

“What can I do for you, son?” Elliot asked as he stepped through the DIY store. There were no customers and he saw Elliot enjoying his lunch.

“I, uh, actually came to see you today,” he said.

“This have anything to do with you and Freya leaving the bar together last night, and a few nights ago?”

Maverick smiled. He didn’t know if he should just start running in the hope he could distance himself between him and Elliot’s shotgun.

“Yeah,” Maverick said.

“Good. I thought you would have the sense to come and see me. Now, like I told Freya, I’ve got no problem with the two of you, so long as you deal with Adele. I don’t want my daughters bickering. I’ve already had to deal with them not seeing eye to eye about Adele’s husband. Just so happens Freya was right all along, but even still, I don’t have to like it.” He shook his head. “So, whatever is going on between the two of you, fix everything else, got it?”

And then he got to spend lunch with Freya, which was fun, and before returning to work, he made his way over to Adele’s house. He stepped over the small gate and walked up the garden path, leading to her pristine white front door, to which he gave a knock.

The divorce between Adele and her husband hadn’t been a good one. The rumor mill had suggested it had been messy. Adele had fought for half of everything, and since she was still living in the marital home, he had a feeling she’d won.

Seconds passed, then a minute, and he banged on the door, determined not to leave. When there was still no answer, he decided to come back another day, but then Adele opened the door, and she didn’t exactly look her best. Her hair was messed up, and her lipstick smudged, and she was also wearing a robe. Everything about her appearance screamed that she’d been fucking.

“Maverick, this is a pleasant surprise,” she said, glancing behind her, and then holding the door closed.

“This a bad time?”

“Yeah, yep, it is. What do you want?” Adele asked.

“To talk,” Maverick said.

Adele frowned. “We’ve got nothing to talk about. I don’t know why you’re here.”

He didn’t want to have this conversation on the front porch. “You heard the gossip?” he asked.

“About you and Freya?” Adele asked.


“Oh, is that what you’ve come to tell me?” Adele giggled, and clearly someone else was behind the door as she wriggled, clearly trying to get away. “Uh, what about it?”

“Do you have a problem with it?”

“Why would I have a problem with it?”

“Because of us.”

Adele suddenly pulled away, and then quickly stepped out, closing the door behind her. Her face was bright red. “Us? That was like … another time in our lives. Why would that even bother me?” She stopped and then laughed. “Are you asking for permission to date my sister?”

“Look, I like Freya, and I want to see where this goes, but I don’t want you and her to have any trouble.”

“Wow, you really did turn into a nice guy, didn’t you?” Adele asked.

He glared at Adele.

She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. You turned into the good guy to the right people. I remember when you’d have taken what you wanted and said fuck it to all the problems it would cause.”

“I have taken what I wanted, only now I deal with the consequences. I don’t want you and Freya to be … fighting.”

“Me and Freya are good. Trust me, I should have listened to her long ago. I’ve got no problem with you and Freya enjoying each other. It will be good. I don’t like that Freya just works and doesn’t do anything fun or exciting. This is going to be totally fun. Don’t tell her I know.”

He frowned. “I’m not going to lie to her, and I’m certainly not going to hurt her.”

Adele sighed. “Fine. I’m glad you’re not going to hurt her. Please, make sure she has some fun, though, right? She is always so serious, and I could never get her to let her hair down, you know? She needs to, and trust me, life sucks enough as it is.”

There was a sudden banging on the door and Adele smiled.

“I’ll let you get back to whoever you’re doing.”

“See you later,” Adele said.

She was gone before he’d even left her property.

He and Adele hadn’t been serious, but now that he had resolved any potential problems between sisters, he didn’t see a reason to hold back. He didn’t just like Freya, he’d fallen in love with her a long time ago. There was never a time to act on those feelings, until now.

Freya belonged to him, and there was no way he was going to let her go. He’d had a taste, and he wanted so much more.


