Our Dom (Our Love #3) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Our Love Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 68424 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 342(@200wpm)___ 274(@250wpm)___ 228(@300wpm)

Blushing, I hid my face against his shoulder and shook my head. “I was very well-behaved…and got a good workout.”

Cohen was a bit of a slave driver at the gym, but he was sexy, too.

Daddy’s hands dipped lower and caressed my ass as he chuckled. “Oh, I think you knew exactly what you were doing to everyone there…and I heard that Cohen has some wonderful ideas about how to dress you up next time we go.”

Groaning, I wasn’t sure what to say, so I just hid and shook my head. Daddy wasn’t fazed at all, still sounding almost giggly as his fingers spread over my cheeks. “This sexy ass deserves to be decorated, and I bet we could make you so pretty and no one there would even know.”

I hated that he was right.

I loved that he was right.

“They wouldn’t know?” I wasn’t sure if that should be my main concern or not, but I really had no desire to get noticed for something like that at the gym.

There were other places I’d be reckless and naughty…but the gym wasn’t a place I’d feel safe standing out.

Not that I could even begin to guess why, everyone was nice there, but there were some places like the gym and the grocery store that I just wanted to blend in.

“No, baby.” Cohen curled up beside us on the bed, his hand running alongside Daddy’s. “Bishop and I would be the only ones who’d know.”

Daddy kissed my neck, making a thinking sound and humming. “And maybe we’d take you over to BJ’s as a reward for working hard. You’d be all sweaty and sexy.”

Logically, I knew he was reminding Cohen there were places I’d said they could do naughtier things to me in public…but all my brain wanted to focus on was how wicked it would be. “Daddy…I’d be dirty.”

Very dirty.

They both groaned, the innocent answer to the sexy words hitting both of them just right.

Daddy squeezed my ass sending a shiver through me. “Hmm, we might let you clean up first, but fair warning, naughty boy, you won’t get to pick what you wear when we go out.”

What would he put me in?

Cohen groaned, shifting and sharing some kind of look with Daddy. “Yes, I think that would work out very well.”

What had Daddy said?

Had he mouthed something?

Had they already talked about it?

They were killing me…so I decided turnabout was fair play.

Rocking over Daddy, I moaned as the soft skin of his hard dick stroked against mine. “Daddy…would you make me look naughty?”

They both groaned, and the thrill of teasing them lasted just long enough for Cohen to spank me, sending sparks through me. Moaning again seemed to turn them on as much as the teasing had. “Oh…Sir…”

Lifting my hips, I arched my ass up and humped Daddy’s cock, giving Cohen a perfect view of my now probably pink cheek and teasing glimpses of my hole as I accidentally spread my legs wider.

Just for leverage, of course.

Their needy sounds were enough to push back my embarrassment and everything but the three of us faded away. The only clear things in my head were my feelings for the two wonderful men and the fuzzy submission that was wrapping itself around me like a security blanket.

With them holding me and in control, nothing else mattered.

Another spank intensified the feelings and when Cohen brushed a finger over my hole, he made a low hum of pleasure that was filled with ownership. “We have such a sweet boy, but I think he’s very needy tonight.”

Oh yes.

But I couldn’t hide the way his words and his touch made me blush even though I pushed up against him, chasing his finger.

He made a quiet tsking sound, lifting his hand just enough to keep me from fucking myself on his finger. “Such a needy slut. I don’t know what we should do about this.”


They could do anything as long as I felt them inside me and got to come.

Whimpering, I arched up again and nuzzled against Daddy’s neck. “Please. I need you. I need you both, Daddy.”

I knew the moment they groaned in unison that tonight would be the night we crossed the final line and came together.

They were going to make love to me tonight.

I just had to survive the teasing first.

Cohen barely pressed the pad of his finger against my hole and made a low thinking sound. “There are so many ways we could give our boy what he needs. We could use a toy on him and see how many times we could make him come. What do you think?”

He was clearly asking Bishop, so I moaned and tried not to beg as Daddy made a thoughtful sound simply to fuck with me. “That’s a good idea, but what about we tie him down on the bed and then I get him ready for you to fuck? You’ve worked so hard this week.”


