Oxygen Deprived Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Kilgore Fire, #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Kilgore Fire Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 76609 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 383(@200wpm)___ 306(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

And now he was getting up to go out and meet PD for breakfast.

Or brunch, seeing as it was now eleven in the morning.

“You’re going to be late,” I whispered frantically.

If he didn’t stop, he wouldn’t have the choice of whether to leave or not, he’d be staying and finishing me off before I allowed him to leave.

It didn’t matter to Drew that PD was sitting at the restaurant waiting for him…and surprisingly it didn’t matter one shit to me either.

“I’m not late. We’re meeting just up the road. It takes me five minutes,” he bit my ass cheek. “To get there. Five minutes,” he bit the other, holding on a little longer this time. “To get dressed. It’ll take me less than a minute,” he licked, starting with the top of my ass crack and moving up until his body was aligned with mine, his cock at my entrance. “So that gives me roughly fifteen minutes. Plenty of time to do what I want to do next.”

I cracked slightly.

“But I’m not dressed,” I whispered.

He leaned back quickly, pushed me over onto my back, and was in between my legs in less than a breath.

“I’ll be quick. I’ll use you and let you go,” he teased, licking my jaw.

I gave up.

How could I not?

He had super powers in the ways of seduction. Telling the man the word “no” was nearly impossible.

So I widened my legs, allowing him easier access to what he wanted.

He placed his cock at my entrance, then slowly pushed inside, filling me and stealing my breath away all at once.

“Jesus, you’re so tight,” he grunted, bringing his hands down to my thighs and pushing them up further.

I moaned when his cock was finally seated all the way inside my pussy, the sheer feeling of rightness making my body relax, something I normally had to work at.

It didn’t matter how many times he took me, each and every time Drew first entered me was a struggle at first.

This time was no different.

My eyes opened and his abs flexed as he pulled out.

His cock was shimmering with my wetness, the entire length of him coated.

“God,” he growled. “I like it when you get that look on your face.”

My eyes went to his.

“What look?” I panted slightly, biting my lip.

“The look that says you want me to put my cock back inside you. The one where you’re so hungry for me to fill you that you’d do just about anything to get it there,” he rumbled.

A sheen of sweat from his workout slicked his chest, and when he leaned forward, placing the entire length of himself back inside of me, the sweat met the side of my legs.

“You’re wet,” I whispered.

“So are you,” he pushed forward and pulled backwards, the sound of my arousal mingling with the sounds of our lovemaking.

His hands moved down, pulling my legs up and over his shoulders, forcing him to go even deeper than he’d been before.

“Jesus,” he hissed. “Every single time it surprises me that you can take me.”

I wanted to reply, but his cock had stolen my ability to think coherently enough to form a reply, to concentrate on anything else but the feeling of him inside me.

His head turned so his mouth could run along the inside of my ankle, his lips moving over the ankle monitor like it wasn’t even there.

Then, as he usually did when we were in this position, his fingers hooked into the strap that held the monitor in place and held on as he started to really move.

My breasts jiggled with each thrust, and I worried maybe I should hold onto them, but then he took care of that for me, leaning down just enough so he could grab each tip between his fingers and pinch.

As usual, it didn’t take long before I was on the verge, something he seemed to always be aware of.

Which explained why he started to slow.

I screamed at him in anger.

“Don’t stop!” I bellowed.

He grinned, slowing down so much so that he had to let my breasts go to hold my legs up where he wanted them again.

“What’s wrong?” He whispered gruffly, biting his lip as he leaned forward, taking my legs with him.

I found myself smashed into the bed, the tops of my thighs touching the bed on either side of my chest.

His cock moved so slowly that I was finding it hard to breathe.

The anticipation of my orgasm had me holding my breath.

I angled my hips, hoping the move would give me the relief I couldn’t quite find, and nearly came out of my skin when the tip of Drew’s cock dragged deliciously across the front wall of my pussy.

“Shit,” I hissed, my body jumping in reaction.

He growled.

“Put your hips back where you had them,” he ordered.

I did as he’d instructed, and shrieked when the next pass had my body convulsing.


