Pierced Hearts Read online Ahren Sanders (Southern Charmers #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Southern Charmers Series by Ahren Sanders

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 137443 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 687(@200wpm)___ 550(@250wpm)___ 458(@300wpm)

John hands me another sheet. “Just to be clear, you are refusing to help cover any of these costs?”

“Yes,” she snarls.

“Well, here is the breakdown from our custody agreement the judge signed off on. Over the years, we deviated away from this with a loose arrangement where the kids could float, but that is no longer a possibility. We’ve already reverted to the split living arrangement recommended. Starting this month, I will no longer be paying extra to cover your mortgage even after these bills are paid in full.”

Her face flames red, and she snatches the paper, scanning it. “Is he really able to pull the support he’s been paying? How am I supposed to survive?” She looks to her lawyer with an edge of panic in her voice.

“I went back and logged all of the extra money I’ve been giving you. Outside of all the financial extras, I’ve covered their insurance, their extra-curricular activities, their clothing, school supplies, and countless other things. You rarely have to open your wallet. In addition to child support, your supplemental income has been generous. That’s ready for the judge if necessary.”

“Don’t you dare talk to me like I’m a freeloader. These are our children you’re referring to. You live in a swanky mini-mansion in an exclusive part of town and own a portion of a very profitable business. Yet, you shoved me in a mediocre townhome, and I work paycheck to paycheck. No judge is going to take your side.”

“Keep telling yourself that if you want. Your townhome is anything but mediocre; you chose that community based on the zip code and prestige. Don’t forget, I lived next door for many years. And, last I knew from court papers, you make a generous salary.”

“You brought me here today to discuss money?”

“No, there are a few other things. Maya’s pediatrician gave me a referral to a child psychologist.”

“You want her to see a shrink?”

“I’m concerned about Maya. It’s evident in the last few months that your influence over Maya is dangerous and, in my opinion, borderline harassment. She’s at an age where guidance is important.”

“Harassment? How did you come up with that one?”

“You’re using her to get back at me, and she’s not equipped to handle the pressure and confusion.”

“You are a piece of work. I’ve gone through hell for years, been humiliated by you, and tried to raise our two kids while you lived your bachelor lifestyle. All I ever wanted was what was best for us as a family, and you refused to try. The instant that woman breezed back into town, you’re suddenly a family man that has high morals and standards. Two months back, and she’s sporting a diamond that could fund a small country. How dare you do this to me?”

John’s hand lands on my arm, and he gives me a weary warning. He’s well aware of my temper and animosity toward Connie. I suck in a deep breath and give him the signal I’m under control.

“Connie, I gave up my bachelor lifestyle long before you entered the picture, and you know that. Darby was my life, and then things changed. I’ve never made you any promises, nor did I do anything to lead you on. At the risk of sounding like a bastard, you knew the stakes back then. My love for Darby has nothing to do with me being a good father. I want what’s best for the kids, and your recent actions prove you have a different agenda.”

“I’m not going to go under scrutiny for being a single mom who wanted to make things work with my children’s father!”

“You knew there was no chance of that.”

“Connie, I think we should stop now,” her lawyer advises.

“I can’t believe we’re even here right now, all because of your damn girlfriend and her mangy dog.” She ignores him.

“My fiancée,” I correct her.

“It’s not my fault the dog ran off and caused a damn accident.”

“Connie, your actions almost killed Runner and could have seriously hurt that young man. You’ve gone to great lengths to manipulate our kids. Your anger could have killed someone, and you spread that shit through our little girl. I’m taking that seriously. This goes much deeper. I’ve been warning you for a while that you need to reel in your attitude, and that we need to focus on raising Maya and Cole. You continued to fill their heads with falsehoods, and now, you’ve put them in a position to where they don’t know right from wrong.”

“Bullshit. This is all about that bitch.”

“That right there is a single example of the reason we’re here. You place the fault anywhere but on yourself. I take full responsibility for being blind all these years to what is happening under your roof. That’s not the case anymore. Darby doesn’t factor into this unless you count your hatred for the woman in my life. A part of me wonders if you’d be acting this way if I was marrying someone besides Darby. Would you despise them, too?”


