Pierced Hearts Read online Ahren Sanders (Southern Charmers #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Southern Charmers Series by Ahren Sanders

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 137443 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 687(@200wpm)___ 550(@250wpm)___ 458(@300wpm)

“I can help.”

“I’ve got this. Besides, we all take turns. At some point, you’ll get your chance.”

Now, I know Miller is in on the ‘convince Darby to stay’ scheme. It’s my turn to respond with the, “We’ll see.”

Cole snorts again, picking up on the sarcasm, and looks at his dad. “You’re right. This is going to be fun.”

I blow out an exaggerated breath and grab my bag. “Can someone point me in the direction of a bathroom to change?”

“Right this way.” Pierce gestures behind him, in the opposite direction of where the kids came from earlier. He leads me to a bedroom, which I assume is the master from the size and view.

It’s impossible not to stare out the French doors to the view of the ocean. “This is beautiful.”

“Agreed.” Pierce steps close behind me, brushing my hair to the side and bringing his lips to my ear. “Beautiful.”

I lean into him, loving the way his soft scruff tickles my skin as he nibbles and kisses a path along my neck and shoulder. He eases the bag off my shoulder, tosses it to the side. Sliding his hand along the backside of my thigh, he takes my dress with it. He does the same thing on the other side until his palms cup the bare cheeks of my butt. “Thongs?”

“Not exactly, but close.”

“Hmmm, as much as I wish I could see for myself, this has got to be quick.”

I shake my head. “No, Pierce, we can’t.”

“Hell yes, we can.”

“Miller and the kids are down the hall.”

“The door is locked, and we’ll be quiet. But I told you I was going to fuck you in this dress.”

“I’ll wear it for you at home.”

In a split second, he’s ripped the panties down, one hand coming to the front and dipping between my thighs.

“There is no way I’m able to have sex… Ahhhhhh…” I end on a moan when he strums his fingers along my slit.

“That’s it, baby. Get ready,” he says gently in my ear before his mouth goes back to my neck. “Give me a little space.”

I part my thighs enough for him to slip a finger inside. The argument to stop dies on my lips when he begins the feather-light brushes on my clit. My body betrays me by clenching hard and rolling into him.

“Ride my hand, Darby,” he commands roughly, adding a finger.

I’m unable to resist doing as he says. His hand dips, his finger curling and twisting in slow, skilled movements. I gasp when he grazes along the spot that ignites my insides. My hips buck, and he grins against my skin.

“Give it to me.”

In no time at all, he brings me to the brink with expertise. I drop my head forward, squeezing my eyes, all my lower muscles clutching onto him as my orgasm rushes through me. My muted whimpers are barely audible over the ringing in my ears. There’s a jerking movement at my back, but I’m still riding my high.

Slowly, he pulls his hand upward, circling my waist with his forearm and urging me forward a bit. “Tilt your hips a little. I’ve got you.”

I arch back and swallow my cry as he slides into me. His cock is hard and hot, stretching me with every inch. In this position, my hips sway a little to adjust and instantly mold to him. He rocks in and out until he’s fully seated, and his mouth comes back to my ear.

“I swore we’d never do this. I’d never fuck you from behind, always wanting to see you when I’m inside you. Help me out, baby.” He picks up his pace, thrusting deep.

“Oh, God.” My head falls back to his shoulder, and I grip his forearm for support. My eyes finally open, and I twist my neck to face him.

“Fucking gorgeous. When we’re on that beach today, I’m going to be able to look up at this window and know you still have me coating your insides.”

I love it when he gets wild like this. I filthy way he talks is his weapon of seduction and leaves me merciless to whatever he wants.

“Every inch of my dick is buried deep in your silky smooth pussy. You’re coating me, too.”

His words are fuel to an already blazing fire racing through my bloodstream. “Hmmmmm,” I moan.

His eyes smolder with wild hunger, and he rams up, over and over. He loosens his hold on my waist, taking my wrist and raising my arm around his neck. “Baby, hold on to me. This is going to be quick. Swear to make it up later.” His hand dives back under my dress, and his thumb flicks over my clit, again and again.

Tremors take over, and I clutch the back of his head, my mind growing fuzzy. Desire and need build low in my stomach, and I grind into him, wanting to feel the high together.


