Pine River Read Online Tijan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, New Adult, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 151765 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 759(@200wpm)___ 607(@250wpm)___ 506(@300wpm)

I couldn’t have that. I couldn’t leave with things unsaid between us.

I’d always remember this—of telling her, of realizing, of holding her, of hearing her say the words. She loved me back. That was burned into my memory. I’d never forget that.

My grandfather would follow through with what he said. I needed to go to him today. I needed to somehow make a stand so he wouldn’t hurt Ramsay and my mother.

It was time to go.

“Ramsay,” I started to say right when there was a burst of footsteps stampeding up the stairs.

Cohen and Alex both burst through the door at the same time. Cohen slightly ahead. A wildness in his eyes. “Dude! You need to come see this. Now!” He took off, sprinting downstairs just as fast as he’d come up.

Alex was in disbelief, shaking his head back and forth. “I can’t—holy shit, man. Holy shit! Come and see this.”



“We have breaking news, and it’s quite incredible. The daughter of long-time CEO of Chelton Corp, Fritz Rothchelton, has come forward with allegations of long-term abuse at the hands of her father. From what our sources are saying, she’s gone to the police after reportedly spending decades under the threat of blackmail, extortion, and there were even allegations of sexual exploitation.”

“This is mind-blowing, Nadia. And these claims have credibility to them, I’m assuming?”

“Yes. We’re being told that not only did she walk into the NYPD this morning with what can only be described as bombshells but also she had evidence in hand. Diaries. Email. Texts. She kept it all, and it’s very, very damning to the man who runs an empire.”

“So, in other words, this could be just the beginning.”

“Yes, Dalton. This is most certainly not a good day for Fritz Rothchelton. This is very bad for him.”

“We’ll be back after the commercial break with more details in this developing story.”

“BREAKING NEWS! Years of detailed accounts of abuse from the daughter of Fritz Rothchelton. More to come at the hour with this fast developing story.”

“We’re not just talking about any wealthy man. We’re talking about the man who’s been at the helm of a complete global empire. Rothchelton University. Chelton Hotels. Carby’s. The Fritz Movie Cinemas. That’s just to name a few. This story broke just yesterday and more people have come forward with allegations of abuse, exploitation, extortion, intimidation, and sexual misconduct. The story broke with his daughter, but now we have thirty more individuals with their own separate allegations against him. Some pressing charges.”

“So remarkable. I can’t imagine what Chelton Corp is going to do. They have their hands in everything, it seems. Movie franchises. Food. I believe I read they have shares in a thousand companies? Many of them household name companies too.”

“Considering that these ‘crimes’ occurred in different states, would the FBI have to be a part of this investigation?”

“I’m sure they’re already involved since the Chelton Corp is a national and global brand. Some of the allegations regard corporate crimes. There’s multiple jurisdictions involved here.”

“Yes. We’ll see what more news comes out tomorrow, Peter.”

“Police investigating fifty-plus counts of abuse against Friz Rothchelton.”

“At the top of the hour, we have more developments from the downfall of Fritz Rothchelton. The board of Chelton Corp had an emergency meeting late last night. Fritz Rothchelton has been voted out of any shares in Chelton Corp, and his son, Roth VI, was voted in as the new CEO and will be taking over all of his grandfather’s duties.”

“Now, Roth VI, I’m guessing that’s a family name?”

“I believe so. I’m told Roth was named after a founding grandfather, Roth Rothchelton, Sr. Fritz’s oldest brother, who passed away last fall, was given the family namesake. Roth V.”

“What a name, huh? I’m sure Roth VI is married, but to show up for a Tinder date and introduce yourself as Roth the VI Rothchelton.” The newscaster was laughing.

“It’s been two weeks since the first bombshell hit the news wave, but this is a story that just keeps on coming. Fritz Rothchelton’s daughter states that she finally broke her silence because, and this is heartbreaking, to save her son from suffering at the hands of Fritz Rothchelton. Apparently, one of the most recent bouts of abuse, which turned physical, prompted her son to try to offer to take the place of his mother. Now, I’m not sure how that would’ve worked, but it sounds just awful. Doesn’t it, Maria?”

“In these families where they are so powerful, so wealthy, they have resources that none of us normal folk would be able to comprehend, I’m sure there are dynamics that we wouldn’t be able to understand. They almost live in their own worlds sometimes. I really believe that.”

“Yes, it was said that the year before, she had shipped her son to live with his uncle, who was exiled from the family. It’s being reported she wanted him to have a normal life, but Fritz wanted his only grandson in the family.”


