Play Along Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 125140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 626(@200wpm)___ 501(@250wpm)___ 417(@300wpm)

Rule number three: never sit on the edge of the bathtub and watch him shower with love heart-shaped eyes.

It’s just plain embarrassing because, right now, at this minute, I am the world’s biggest One Direction fan and Harry fucking Styles is in my shower.

He knows it, too. His eyes occasionally flicker up to meet mine as he rubs the soap all over his muscular physique.

“Get in with me.” He smirks.

“No, I’m happy watching the show.” I smile.

His huge, tanned body fills the shower, and his dark, trimmed pubic hair is the focal point of the masterpiece. He is manicured all over and everything is where it should be. Muscles, dick, hair, tatts… those naughty but nice dimples.

I’m totally screwed.

Stace Williams is a piece of art. He’s valuable and adored by any woman who is lucky enough to ever experience the pleasure he bestows upon them.

I feel grateful that I have had the opportunity to meet him, to touch him, to have had him touch me, and I wonder if we hadn’t been locked in a room together if we would ever have had our connection. Would he have even looked my way? I wonder what kind of women he normally pursues out in the real world.

Bringing me back to the present, he tries to sweeten the deal by giving himself a few long strokes with his soapy hand. My mind goes back to the first night we had sex and the masturbation show he gave me. I’ve never seen anything like it before. It’s an all time top memory in the bank. One I will revisit again and again.

“We need to get out of here,” he replies casually as he soaps up his chest.

“Hmm.” I’m preoccupied as my eyes follow his hand.

“We can’t go to any airports because they will be looking for us there. We are safe in Bogota for the time being, but we can’t stay here for long.” He thinks for a moment as he washes himself. “The problem is I don’t have any money in my real name bank accounts, but if I access my Mac accounts, they will know where we are.”

I nod. “Hmm.”

“Where do you want to go?” he asks.

I shrug. “Wherever.” My eyes drop to the large muscle between his legs. God, he’s hung, even when soft.

“Will you concentrate?” He interrupts my thoughts.

“Oh, huh?” My guilty eyes flicker back up to his face. “I am concentrating.”

His eyes darken. “Yes, I know what you were concentrating on.”

I smile because there is no denying it. How am I supposed to carry on as normal when I have a bonafide god in my shower?

I’m in awe of his sexual prowess because, well………..he’s, just damn ridiculous.

“We will move on today,” he continues.

“Yes, you are probably right. I need to stop by and pick something up first.”

“From where?”

“A safety deposit box.”

He frowns. “What do you have in a deposit box?”

“Umm…” I hesitate. This is going to go either of two ways. He’s going to lose his shit… Or… I don’t know.

I’m thinking he’s going to lose it.

I stand and pace for a moment. “Well, you know when I was on the boat?”

“Ship,” he corrects.

I roll my eyes. “Yes, whatever.”

I pause again.

“Yes?” he snaps.

“I didn’t know I was actually going to like you.”

He looks at me deadpan and stops washing himself.

I fake a smile. “You see.”

“You were sleeping with me,” he replies flatly.

“Yes, but you had kidnapped me and I was going to come here all by myself, remember?”

His emotionless face tells me nothing. “Which… I-I would have hated, by the way.” I stammer. “Coming here alone, it’s much better with you.”

He rolls his eyes at my bad cover up. “Go on.”

“I broke into a container and stole the diamonds,” I blurt out in a rush.

A frown crosses his face.

I screw up my face as I wait for the eruption.

He stares at me blankly as he processes what I have just said and then his mouth nearly drops open.

Oh shit, here it comes. I run out into the room from the bathroom and he chases me, wet and nude.

“You… you stole the fucking diamonds?” he stammers.

I nod quickly. “You’re wetting the carpet, you know,” I murmur as I point to the floor as a distraction.

He puts his hands on his naked hips. “You are telling me that you stole millions of dollars worth of diamonds and got off the ship straight-faced, and now they are in a safety deposit box.” He points to the floor. “Here? In Bogota?”

“Uh-huh,” I whisper.

A trace of a smirk crosses his face and he shakes his head. “Just when I think you can’t possibly shock me any more than you already have.”

A smirk crosses my face, matching his.

“Then you go and get all sexier and even more shocking on me.” He rushes to me and I squeal in laughter. He throws me over his shoulder and slaps my behind hard.


