Play Along Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 125140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 626(@200wpm)___ 501(@250wpm)___ 417(@300wpm)


We fly through the underground parking lot and up towards the exit ramp. Stace slides the parking ticket into the machine and the roller door slowly creeps up.

“Get down,” he says as his eyes flick over to me.

I nod nervously and bend down over my knees as he drives the car out slowly. “This car was probably a good idea after all.” He turns out of the driveway and onto the street as I watch him from my crumpled hunched position. “They aren’t expecting us to have money. They won’t be looking for this kind of car,” he replies as he drives down the street.

“Can you see anyone?” I whisper.

His eyes flicker up to the rear view mirror. “No.” He pauses. “They are still inside the hotel.”

“Do you think they know that we have the diamonds?” I ask.

“I doubt it,” he replies as he reaches over and pulls the wig from my head and throws it onto the floor. “The ship is still at sea. Nobody would even know they are gone yet.”

We drive for a while longer in silence and his eyes continuously flash to the mirrors to check if anyone is following us.

“See anything?” I ask again.

“No, it’s okay.” He reaches over and rubs my back and I blow out a breath and shake my head.

“I-I didn’t think the bank was going to give me the money,” I stammer.

“What happened?” he asks.

“They were just taking so long and I was freaking out. I thought they had called someone to let them know I was there.”

“But you got it?”

“Yep, it’s in the bag.”

He smiles sexily. “Good girl.”

“Stace.” My eyes search his from my hunched down position. “What are we doing? What are we going to do?”

He blows out a deep breath and pauses as if thinking. “At this stage, trying to not be found is the main priority. We’re not safe until we have new passports and can go in between countries without being detected.”

“Can we go to Sweden? They won’t find us in Sweden.” I have always had it in my head that I will be safe in Sweden. I don’t know why but I just do.

He smiles sadly as he takes my hand in his. “We will go somewhere. It’s going to be okay, Rosh. I got you.”

I nod and bring his hand to my face and kiss the back of it. “Thank you,” I whisper.

“For what?”

“For helping me.”

His eyes meet mine and for a split second his mask slips and I see fear. My face falls, and as if knowing what he has just revealed, he lifts them and concentrates back on the road and to the rear view mirrors.

He thinks they are going to get us.

We drive for fifteen minutes out of the city in silence until finally he speaks. “You can sit up now. Nobody is following us.” I unfold my body from its hunched position.

I stare out the window as my mind goes to my mother and the horror she went through. I can’t stand the thought of him having the same fate. I won’t allow it.

“Stace?” I hesitate as I try to get my wording right. “If they do catch up with us…”


“I want you to run. Don’t try and save me because you will die. Look what they did to you the other night? I need to know that you won’t try and be Captain America.”

His eyes stay fixed on the road. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Rosh,” he murmurs.

“Yes, but…”

“Stop it!” he yells, cutting me off. “I’m here till the fucking end. Get that shit out of your head right now. I’m not leaving.”

“I don’t want anything to hurt you.”

His eyes snap to me angrily. “It’s a little too late for that. Do you think it wouldn’t fucking hurt me if they got you? I’m saving you for me as well as you!”

A lump forms in my throat. I just want this to be over with. I don’t know how much more I can take of this running. All of my adult life I have been on the run. Now I’m scared and I’m so damn drained. I don’t know what to say. I have no words. No words that will undo the last week. I had it, I had escaped with a fake passport and then I went and ruined it when I went on that damn shooting spree. But then Stace would probably be dead now if I hadn’t.

I did the right thing. I just wish I killed the right man.

I blow out a deep breath as my eyes wander back out the window. If I’d killed the right man our troubles would be over.

I feel the soft touch of his hand swipe the hair back from my face. “We’re here, babe.”

I struggle to open my eyes and readjust myself in the uncomfortable car seat. “This car is shit.” I scowl.


