Pledged to a Highlander Read online Donna Fletcher (Highland Promise Trilogy #1)

Categories Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Highland Promise Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 109722 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 549(@200wpm)___ 439(@250wpm)___ 366(@300wpm)

His words brought a rush of relief to her and she hugged him tight, grateful for his love, his understanding, and for the honorable man she had always known him to be.

“What now? What happens when other clans discover who I am?’ she asked, only just considering what it might mean.

“Who is there left to complain but Galvin. The Beast has already moved his cohorts into the area. Trevor has the Clan MacGlennen, Fergus has the Clan MacDonnegal, I would think someone loyal to him will have Clan Macara, Clan MacKinnon remains mine, and he takes Learmonth for himself.”

“He surrounds us, Royden,” Oria said. “How do we ever get free of him?”

Royden responded honestly and with his own misgivings. “I don’t know if we do. He planned well and played a good game as my da suggested. He established himself here, planted roots or nourished his roots that were already here, digging in deeper. As much as I want revenge against him, I don’t think it’s going to be possible, not unless we want more bloodshed and loss. And I don’t believe anyone wants any more of that.”

“Are you saying we need to befriend the Beast?” she asked.

He tightened his arm around her waist. “I’m saying that I will do whatever is necessary to make certain no one takes my wife from me and that she remains my wife. I won’t lose you again, Oria, and if I have to make friends with the Beast to assure that, then I will.”

Oria opened her mouth but nothing spilled out. His words had stunned her and made her realize the depths of his love for her.

Royden kissed her when she failed to speak. He couldn’t help it. Her partially open mouth was just too tempting to ignore. His tongue slipped past her lips and at first he felt her surprise and then she responded as she always did as if she’d been given a gift to enjoy, and she did.

He stopped the kiss, his desire mounting much too fast and while he had a brief thought to take her quickly behind the tree, knowing her desire mounted as fast as his, he warned himself not to. There was no telling who lurked about. He was glad he’d decided against it when his wife spoke.

“I want to go home. I want to make love. I don’t want to think of anything but you and me. I don’t want to feel anything but the love we have for each other.”

Royden responded by scooping her up and placing her on her horse, then mounting his own.

Oria was surprised that he didn’t join her on her horse.

Royden smiled. “Let’s see who makes it to the keep first, though I warn you I—”

Oria took off, her laughter trailing behind her.

Royden took a moment to listen to it, the joyous sound swirling around him and filling his heart with relief, then he followed after her. He’d let her win, wanting to remain behind her or at her side to keep her safe. He’d pull ahead for a bit, so she wouldn’t figure out his plan.

That was until he realized she actually was beating him. That’s when the race became real.

Oria was waiting on the steps to the keep when her husband caught up with her. She was smiling. Her husband wasn’t.

“I’ll race you to our bedchamber,” she said with a laugh.

And when she saw that he didn’t laugh, she took off.

Royden caught her before she reached the door. He scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder. “You rode hard and fast and got your victory, wife. Now it’s my turn to ride hard and fast and—”

“Victory will be mine once again,” she declared with a laugh that grew louder when her husband swatted her backside.

Chapter 28

“What do you mean no?” Oria asked, surprised and annoyed.

“What further explanation of no is necessary? No is no,” Royden said, tucking his plaid in place.

“You’re refusing to make love to me?” she asked, not believing her own words. It wasn’t possible. Neither of them ever refused the other.

Royden walked over to the bed, trying to ignore the way her taut nipples pleaded with him. Or was that his aroused shaft pleading with him to get busy making love to his wife? He fought the urge, standing beside the bed, not trusting himself to sit. This had to be done. It couldn’t be put it off any longer.

“I’ve lost count of how many times in the last three days that we’ve made love, not that I’m complaining. But it’s time for you to stop avoiding what needs to be done.” Royden raised his hand when his wife went to argue. “You need to talk with your sister.” To Royden’s relief, his wife pulled the blanket up to cover her breasts.

“I haven’t avoided it. It’s been an endless thought that I can find no answer to,” Oria said.


