Pregnant by the Badboy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 40403 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 202(@200wpm)___ 162(@250wpm)___ 135(@300wpm)

“Yes. Of course I want to go.” The smile that breaks out over his face is priceless and it puts a new light on him. I will do anything to bring that light to him everyday. Now I just need to come up with a lie for my parents.

Chapter 8



The past month has been stressful and annoying as hell. My father, once he got wind of my trip to take my police academy test and interview, he became an even bigger asshole.

“Jacob!” Sitting up from my spot on the bed where I am preparing for my exam, I attempt to ignore him and continue with what I am doing. “Boy I know you hear me.” He shouts from the bottom of the stairs. Cursing, I open my door and go to the bannister.

“What?” I ask him, trying not to sound as annoyed as I feel.

“Freddy’s wife had the baby.” I look at him like he has hit his head. What the hell does that have to do with me?

“Do I need to send some diapers or something?” The sarcasm is unmistakable and I know he knows it

“Always the wise guy. He is going to be home for the next four weeks. Fucking laws and shit. So you are going to have to cover his shift while he is out.” Did he fucking start drinking in the day time?

“I don’t think so. His shift is during school hours and I won’t be here the weekend of the 20th. I have an exam and interview in Connecticut so I won’t be here at all.” His face begins to get red warning me of what is coming.

“I see. So you’re too good to work for your old man and help him out. Always looking to be better and different. Let me tell you something boy, all you will ever be is the son of a mechanic.” My fists clench at my side and I try to grit my teeth, stop myself from saying something I will regret but then he hits the one spot he knows by now will send me over the edge. “That rich little bitch will see you for the nothing you are and drop you like yesterday's garbage, You mark my words.”

Blind with rage I am down the stairs faster than my brain can catch up. Before I can stop myself, the red haze fills my sight and I have him against the wall. “If you ever call her out of her name or fuck that, refer to her as anything other than the Goddess she is, I will end you, old man. You don't think I know about the extra money you have hidden away from kickbacks and the cleaning business you are into?” he face pales and I smirk, devilishly in his face. “Yeah I know all of it. The only reason I let you get away with it is because you are taking care my mom. But fuck with me and I won’t give a shit. Got it?” He grips my hand trying to get me to let him go, but I hold on, his shirt firmly in my hand. When he nods his head, gasping for air, I release him and walk away.

That set the tone for the rest of the month. He grumbles under his breath, giving me the shit stare, but he also has been ignoring me at home. I don’t really give a shit but it is making things awkward for my mother and I feel bad, but you know what, he needs to learn I am not a little boy any more. I have been a grown man for years now and the shit I have let him get away with no longer stands. Not when I have a life that is just within my reach.

He called himself giving me the finger by cutting my hours overall, but the joke was on him. It freed me up to spend more time not only studying for school and preparing for this academy exam but spending time with my woman.

Speaking of my Mila, I am standing in front of her door, waiting for her to come out for our weekend away. Hell, the entire drive my cock was throbbing and pushing against the steering wheel thinking of this weekend. I am sure she has some idea, but this weekend she will become mine in all ways. Even some she might not be ready for.

My friends think I am crazy because I haven’t taken her already, but a few stolen moments, some in the car fooling around and some dark corner blowjobs are nothing. Those are young hearts fooling around. Making her my woman however, ripping that virginity tag from between her legs one thrust at a time, looking at the pink tint proving I got it first, that deserves a nice hotel, a luxurious bed and candles. She deserves all of that and more so I have been waiting for this very moment. Shit. I adjust my cock in my jeans for the hundredth time and close my eyes trying to picture anything but her on her hands and knees looking at me from over her shoulder. Damn it. That didn’t work either. What I am hoping is that finally taking this step with her will cool the fucking animal in me. The disease called possessive lunacy is alive and well inside of me and I need it to rest.


