Pregnant by the Badboy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 40403 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 202(@200wpm)___ 162(@250wpm)___ 135(@300wpm)

“Not as much as it was. We really only built it for our Mila but now that she will be graduating soon, we are thinking of downsizing.” That’s news to me. My mom’s face is pinched like she got one botox shot too many but she says nothing and keeps on drinking.

“That might me wise.” the rude man says. I look at the clock again for the hundredth time and see only twenty minutes have passed. “Now how about you, little one, have you made plans?” His eyes move up and down my body and even though most of me is covered by the table it still feels like a violation to my person and to Jake.

“Some plans.” I am keeping it as vague as I can.

“I see. My son was much like you until I told him his life had been planned for him since the moment he was born.” He says it so nonchalantly but I try not to show my disgust for words.

“Well I guess I am lucky I get to make my own decisions.” I am sure I failed to keep the snark out of my voice but who cares. He is awful. I hear him snort like I said something funny, but I ignore him.

“So Mila, tell Mister Greko when you graduate.” My father insists, his voice a little..i don’t know something. Looking at him like he is crazy I don’t respond, finish up my food and scoot my chair back. I am done with this charade whatever it is.

“Well dinner was good. Nice to meet you. I have an exam and practice tomorrow so I need to go to sleep.” I begin walking up the stairs when I hear a throat clear from his direction. My father than gets up and circles the table.

“You need to stay down here and talk to Mister Greko, Mila. Your mother and I will make ourselves scarce.” Now all of my warning signs are firing in the danger zone but I am hoping I'm wrong.

“I don’t see why. What could I possibly have to talk to him about?” Asshole chooses this moment to stand, and walk to my side. His chubby, unworked hands touch my skin and I jump back so fast I damn near trip over the chair.

“Your future, little girl. Your father has decided on it and I need to..” I whip my head around to face him so fast he steps back slightly, his eyes widening. My hands on my hips I look at everyone in the room and lose my shit.

“Are you fucking kidding me!? What did you do now? You owe him something?” My father has the nerve to look contrite for a moment before he tries to act like he has some sort of power over me.

“You listen here young lady..” Is he serious?

“No you listen. I am not some piece of cattle you can sell when you fuck up. You may be able to treat your wife like nothing but a toy but I am her. My future is decided and now I know you will not be a part of it.” I turn to douchebag and finish what I have to say because I am seconds from crying and I refuse to do it in front of them. “As for you, I don’t know what he promised you, but he lied. I will not be part of whatever this is, so if that means you take everything he owns so be it. None of it ever meant anything to me so I don’g ive a fuck. Hopefully you don't kill them but you know what I’m eighteen. Do what you got to do.”

Walking as fast as I can in these damn heels trying not to trip and injure myself or my baby, I walk out the front door, no coat, hat scarf, nothing but the tears pouring down my face as the reality of what just happened hits me. I pull my phone from my chest and dial Jake’s number. “Baby what’s wrong?” He asks immediately. I can hear him breathing hard, and then I hear his car start. I can’t speak because I can’t stop crying but it doesn’t matter to him. If I call, he comes. That is love. “Stay where you are baby. Please stop crying. Your fucking killing me. I am on my way. Are you safe?” That’s just it, as long as I am in front of this house I don’t know.

“I-I don’t know.” I manage to get out before once again succumbing to the emotions.

“Fuck! Do you have your car keys?”


“Son of a bitch. Baby, I need you to find somewhere to wait for me where you feel safe. Can you do that?”

“The pond.” It's about a mile from my house but I can get to it walking through my yard and then the neighbors yard.


