Pregnant by the Badboy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 40403 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 202(@200wpm)___ 162(@250wpm)___ 135(@300wpm)

“Hello Mr. Monroe. It’s nice to meet you.” I can’t help but to beam at her and bask in her sunshine. Even scared and with no reason to be, she still manages to be sweet and open.

“I see. So you must be the little girl that got my son thinking he can shoot for the moon, huh. Must be a sweet piece of..” Before I can stop myself I am around the counter, pummeling him in the face. I can vaguely hear shouting in my ear but only secondary to me yelling and cursing at him to never fuckign address her and telling him he was dead to me. I black out or something and the next thing I remember is Mila in my lap crying and my mother hovering over my father.

“What did you do?” My mother asks, trying to wake him up. I could almost feel sorry for her but then I remember this resilient strong woman in my arms twice her age who has the gumption to stand up for herself and I stop feeling anything for her.

“I did something your husband would never have the balls to do. Protecting my family.”

“This girl is not your family Jacob. Your father and I..” Standing, I put Mila on her feet and pull her back to my chest.

“Are no longer my concern. She is going to be my wife and our baby will be our everything. I will neve treat my son or daughter like you have let him treat me. I am done with this shit. I hope you have your life in order because the house of cards he built was made of scrap and paper. When it burns, everything will be ash. Goodbye mother. I will be back later today for my belongings.”

With those parting words I grab my woman and we ride to the hospital. She is silent the whole ride and I decide that is for the best. I want us both to have a chance to calm down before the ultrasound.

We are running late but luckily they are running behind so they put us into a room and give her a gown. Once she is in it and on the table, I hold her hands. “I’m sorry Jake.”

“What are you sorry for, baby?”

“For what happened with your dad.” See. She is so damn sweet.

“That was not your issue baby. It was a problem long before you and it was never going to get better.” I wrap my arms around her and just breathe in her smell.

“Knock knock.” The doctor walks into the room and smiles. “How are you two doing today? Are you excited?” Smiling, I nod and move to the side of the bed. “Excellent. So, do you want to know the sex?”

“Yes.” We both answer at the same time before laughing. Holding her hand, we both listen to the heartbeat and I swear everytime is like the first time. It is always fast and strong and it feels me with more love than I have room for.

“Everything looks good. You are measuring a bit big for twenty weeks but that is to be expected considering how big the father is. We will keep an eye on that in the future. Now let’s see.” She pauses for a moment and we both wait, holding our breaths. “Well looks like you are going to be having a big strapping boy.” Thank fuck.

“A boy. Jake, we are having a boy.” Mila is looking at me for my reaction and I nod my head. My mind is already going over the ways I am going to be different from my father. Suddenly, my mind is a mixup of everything I need to get finished for the safety of my family starting with this.

“Damn baby I had an entire plan that Mari was helping me with for this but what could be more perfect than you, me and our son.” Pulling the box from my jacket pocket where it always is, I open up the box, revealing the oval three carat diamond. “Mila my love, I don't have fancy words, but the ones I have are real and etched in stone. I love you so fucking much. You and our son. I want to spend my life making you happy, keeping you safe and learning to love you both the way you deserve. Will you marry me baby?”

Moving her hand from her mouth she sniffles and nods her head. “Yes. Yes, Jake. I love you so much. I want to marry you.” I slide the ring on her finger and a fucking lock clicks in place with one piece of the two pieces of metal i want on ehr finger.

“Now, let’s go tell everyone we are going to be a family.” Fuck waiting. They are mine.

Chapter 17


