Primal Beasts – Darkly Ever After Read Online Mila Crawford

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Novella, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33520 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 168(@200wpm)___ 134(@250wpm)___ 112(@300wpm)

“I like you better like this, Little Doe. An obedient whore rendered speechless. Now, I need you to stay still. Wouldn’t want to accidentally kill you before I’ve had my fill.” Asmodeus pulls out of my pussy and reaches for the blood-stained goblet. He dips it into the bath and pulls it out, blood covering his arm to his elbow.

The tip of his pink tongue licks the lip of the cup. “As much as I love this flavor, it could be better.” Using his knee, Asmodeus pulls my legs apart and pours the red liquid on my pussy. His ravenous stare lands between my legs before he pushes me further back and situates his mouth directly over my center. “Pussy and blood. There’s nothing better.”

His tongue lashes at my clit before moving in circles. The rhythm is transcendental. Asmodeus may be a psychotic killer, but his tongue is velvet and silk. With pure skill and unimaginable talent, he lulls my body into a delusion of paradise when, in reality, I’m trapped in some sort of hellish purgatory.

I hold myself up, desperate to avoid falling into the blood again as I stare up at the cathedral ceilings and the surrounding visions of Jesus from the bible, wondering if this is what heaven would feel like, the perfect pleasure that allows you to fall off the edge.

“Oh God,” I croak as my body shakes with uncontrollable tremors.

“How blasphemous of you, Little Doe. Crying to God while being fucked by the devil,” Asmodeus says. My body stiffens as his sharp fangs graze my clit, worried about what kind of insanity this man is capable of. “The next time you cry his name while I’m between your legs, I’ll bite this off and gorge on your blood.”

A sane person would run, but my pussy isn’t sane. I moan and push my hips closer to his mouth.

Asmodeus laughs and lifts me, his eyes eating up my bloody and naked form. He crushes his lips to mine, making me taste the blood and myself. “Now that I’ve had a taste, it’s unlikely I’ll let you go free.”

“We had a deal,” I state.

“And I plan on keeping it. But I don’t lose when I want something, and Little Doe, I want more of you.”

Asmodeus leaves me recovering as he grabs the goblet half full of blood and steps up to Abaddon and Iblis. He places the goblet under Iblis’ dick as he quickly strokes his cock. I watch in wonder at how quickly Asmodeus brings Iblis to his knees. His legs stiffen, and he growls as ropes of clear liquid ejaculate from his cock, landing in the cup. “Such a good boy, Iblis. Look at how much you came for us.”

I’m prepared for Asmodeus to drink the concoction, but he brings the cup to Iblis’s lips. He opens his mouth, but before he takes a sip, he whispers, “Through him, with him, in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, forever and ever.”

Asmodeus tips the cup, and Iblis drinks.

“Amen.” Asmodeus licks the liquid remaining on Iblis’ lips before turning to me. “You’ve got a five-minute head start. Run.”

Chapter Fourteen


Asmodeus and Iblis went after the cub. I had to go clean up, suddenly regretting my choice to fuck Iblis up the ass. I could simply watch, but the idea of all three of us fucking the little cub is too enticing to walk away from. Besides, chasing is my thing. Something about hunting down this prey until she begs in desperation makes my dick hard as a rock.

The way she moaned as Mo ate out her pretty cunt was enough to make me cum. I have no clue what the fuck she’ll do to me when I fill that perfect pussy.

Cold air assaults my warm skin as I walk through the cemetery. The leaves crunch under my feet as I take off into the forest after my prey. I can’t pinpoint what it is about this woman, but this draw to her makes me almost feel like I’m possessed.

A snap of a twig has me searching the night, trying to view what’s lurking between the trees. I walk gently on the forest floor so my feet don’t make a sound. Catching her off guard will be more satisfying. I long for the scent of her fear as she cries into the night. Visions of her head forced to the ground as I rip into her pussy, fucking her without mercy.

Her dark hair flashes behind a tree.

“Ready or not, here I come.”

I spot Asmodeus and Iblis in the forest. She sees them, too, her head turned in their direction. No clue that I’m so near I can smell her. She turns to move from one tree to the next, but I step in front of her, taking her completely off guard. “Little girls like you should be careful in the woods.”


