Punished – A Dark Billionaire Read Online Penelope Bloom

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 58651 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 293(@200wpm)___ 235(@250wpm)___ 196(@300wpm)

I laugh, but casually tuck the stapler into my desk drawer. I’ve known Olivia long enough to know she really might attack me if I press her too much.

Dean saves me from her by stepping into my office. “Logan, we need to talk.”

“And that’s my cue to leave,” says Olivia. She stands, waves, and lets herself out.

Dean’s wearing a dark suit and has his hair pushed back, but there are uncharacteristic bags under his eyes. He sits down where Olivia was just moments ago and sighs, running a hand through his hair. “China and India pulled out this morning.” Something is off in his tone. It’s almost gloating, but I ignore it. Dean’s personal issues are very low on my priority list at the moment.

I purse my lips. “Fuck them. We’ll find new investors.”

“It’s not going to be that simple. The list of people who can provide the same kind of capital is a short one, and we’ve already talked to everyone on the list.”

“Then we’ll talk to them again,” I say irritably.

Dean looks down, flicking a piece of dust off his pants. “China and India backing out has the rest of our investors getting nervous, too. This whole thing could come crashing down, Logan. You might want to seriously consider liquidizing whatever assets you can and getting out before it goes to ground.”

I clench my fists. “Don’t they realize my personal life has jack shit to do with how I can run a business?”

Dean chuckles. “You know how it is. Image is everything.”

“Yeah. Well, I’m not giving up on the company. And fuck anybody who expects me to. I’ll use my personal funds to invest in new businesses if I have to. I’ll go on fucking foot and find them. I don’t care. This company isn’t dying.”

I swore I would stay away, but the bullshit with my company has me on edge. Against my better judgment, I decide to go to Club Crave. Even though I know it’s a weekend and Emmaline might be working, unless I scared her out of the BDSM scene all together. I doubt it though. If I know her at all, she will keep her job here to keep her business alive. She’s a lot like me in that regard. She’ll do what she has to do keep her dream burning.

The club is particularly full tonight, even for a Friday. I can’t stop myself from scanning the crowd in the lobby for Emmaline. There are at least six employees of the Club in my immediate view. Two bouncers at the door checking member IDs, the Matron making her rounds, two behind the bar, and one bouncer watching the hallway leading to the play rooms.

I grab a seat at the bar, ordering a drink. I normally stay away from the bar at the club because one of the primary jobs of the bouncers is to watch for members who are too drunk to play safely and eject them. Today though, I order a bourbon. One drink won’t kill me. Once I’ve drained it and the alcohol has started to melt away some of the stress I’m carrying, I wander toward the play rooms.

Even though I can’t stop looking for Emmaline, I have no idea what it is I plan to do if I find her. I pushed her too far and too fast. As much as I tried not to, I fucked things up with her and I have to pay the price for that now. Still, whether I logically realize that or not, I can’t stop myself from wanting another chance. It’s not even just the sex that has me chasing after her like a fucking kicked puppy. I saw something in her more powerful and admirable than I could have imagined. I’m so used to looking down on the women I’ve been with. So many of them are vain, petty, and lack ambition. Emmaline is none of those things. She is everything I ever wanted in a woman.

And like Olivia said, I let her get away.


I eventually find her in the same play room with the stage set up like last weekend, except this time she’s not facing the stage where a woman is moaning while a man in a mask drips hot wax across her naked body.

A man in a white mask and a dark suit is standing very close to Emmaline. He’s leaning forward slightly, talking quickly while Emmaline is avoiding eye contact and looking uncomfortable. I’ve already taken a few steps toward the guy, fists clenched at my side, when I realize she’s allowed to talk to whoever she wants.

She’s not yours anymore, Logan. You made real fucking sure of that.

I stand, seething as I watch, not noticing anything else around me but the man speaking to Emmaline and the way she’s looking more and more uncomfortable.


