Reaper’s Wrath Read online Jamie Begley (Road to Salvation A Last Rider’s Trilogy #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Road to Salvation A Last Rider's Trilogy Series by Jamie Begley

Total pages in book: 147
Estimated words: 140795 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 704(@200wpm)___ 563(@250wpm)___ 469(@300wpm)

He slid down the shower wall to sit under the cold spray of water. Wrapping his arms around his knees, he rocked back and forth. Letting hatred overrule the other emotions of love, regret, and sorrow, he focused on the motivation he needed to make himself keep breathing.



The Count.

They had to die … die … die ….

* * *

“You wanted to talk to me?” Closing Lucky’s office door, Reaper strode to take one of the chairs in front of his desk.

“Give me a minute. Now that you’re here, Knox is bringing some pictures to show you.”

“Of whom?”

“Arin has developed a new DNA test. It enhances the one that law enforcement departments are using—phenotypes—to create a picture of suspects from their DNA. Her program cross-matches with pictures for the new IDs that States are requiring everyone to have.”

Lucky stopped as the door to his office opened and Knox came in wearing his sheriff’s uniform and laid a folder on Lucky’s desk.

Lucky stared at the folder, his face a mixture of emotions. The pastor could possibly be battling his faith against the fate of the person in that folder who Reaper had been searching for.

Reaper wanted to rip the folder off the desk, but he let Lucky take his time.

“Using the DNA samples … that Hammer swabbed off the mattress as well as areas in the house before you torched it”—Lucky sucked in a deep breath—“Arin thinks she has found a possible match.”

Feeling detached, Reaper realized Lucky hadn’t been battling his faith; it was the hesitation of telling him that the person in the file had been one of his rapists.

“Actually, there are two possible matches in there,” Knox informed him. The brother to the side of Lucky’s desk opened the folder. “I watched the first video that Slate made of you. The couple matches the pictures that Arin sent. Fuckin’ unreal what Arin managed to do, I faxed the pictures to Hammer and Jonas, and they agreed.”

Reaper kept his gaze pinned to Knox’s face and not the pictures that were within eyesight. “I was so drugged that I wouldn’t recognize them,” he said numbly, leaning forward until the back of his blue jean barely hit the chair. He didn’t touch the pictures. He wouldn’t be able to if a gun were pointed at his head.

“You won’t have to.” Knox reached over, closing the folder. “This morning, Shade broke into their home while they were out and made a copy of their hard drive. Without a doubt, Arin found Vamp and The Count for you.”

Leaning back in the chair, Reaper pushed his feet down hard in his boots. “Shade broke into their home this morning?” Reaper didn’t feel his lips moving as he talked. He must have spoken, though, because Knox answered his question.


Pressing his fingers on the side of his jaw, he felt the muscles contracting as he said, “Shade was at the clubhouse while I was working out.”

Lucky and Knox shared a glance before Knox responded. If his fingers weren’t on his jaw, he would haven’t believe he had spoken.

“They live nearby.”

“How close?”

Chapter Forty-Three

“May I help you?” The saleswoman’s frightened eyes darted around the jewelry store as if she were the one who needed help.

“I’m looking for a new watch.” Reaper answered, sweeping his hair back like the temperature machine had as it ran across his forward before he had even entered the door.

The saleswoman circled behind a horseshoe-shaped counter. “Is there a particular brand you’re looking for?”

“A Rolex Daytona.”

Her eyes widened with greed. “My name is Charline. Those pieces are in the safe. I’ll have to get the owner to get it for me. I’ll be right back.”

Observing the saleswoman going inside a glass office, Reaper saw the owner glance at him, then give a start of shock, as fear crossed his features.

Reaching for a pamphlet on the counter, he continued to watch as the owner said something to the clerk, before she returned.

“The owner won’t be but a moment. Is there anything else you would like to look at while we’re waiting?”

“Do you have any charms for a woman’s bracelet?”

“We do. Just step over here.” Charline moved to the counter section closer to the office. With a key on an elastic band on her wrist, she slid open the back of the case. “Gold or silver?”


With French manicured nails, she took out of tray of charms, placing the black velvet tray on the glass counter. “Are there any in particular she collects?”

“I don’t believe so.” Staring down at the charms, he searched for any that resembled the ones on Ginny’s bracelet.

“Is this the watch you wanted to see?”

At the sound of the male voice, Reaper looked up from the charms and placed his focus on the display of watches on a velvet-lined tray.

“We have two. Charline will be happy to explain the differences in them. If neither are what you were looking for, she can find it from another one of our stores. I’ll leave her to take care of your needs.”


