Reaper’s Wrath Read online Jamie Begley (Road to Salvation A Last Rider’s Trilogy #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Road to Salvation A Last Rider's Trilogy Series by Jamie Begley

Total pages in book: 147
Estimated words: 140795 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 704(@200wpm)___ 563(@250wpm)___ 469(@300wpm)

Gavin stopped moving around, his body becoming heavier under hers, as if his tense muscles were relaxing.

Ginny closed her eyes, snuggling closer to Gavin. Dozing off, she woke up every so often when Gavin started to toss around again. At one point, Ginny threw one of her legs over his to hold him still, and placed her head on his chest, using her body weight to show him that she was still there.

“I’m here, Gavin. I’ll always be here for you. Sweet man, sleep … I love you.”

Each reassurance she gave him made his breathing easier and seemed to comfort him into staying asleep.

“I’m never going to leave you ever again. I love you. I’ve always loved you. I always will.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

Ginny lifted heavy lids to see sunlight filtering through the bottom of the curtain. Lying still with the steady beating of Gavin’s heart beneath her ear, she was determined for him sleep as long as he could.

She lovingly memorized each of the tattoos visible to her to pass the time ticking away. At ten a.m., she propped her chin on his chest to relieve the pain in her neck, discovering a ridge on his nose, which must have been broken at one time. Laying her head back down, his hands caught her eyes. She liked his hands. They were strong, with callouses on his fingertips.

At eleven a.m., she distracted herself by talking to God, telling Him she was still angry with Him, but if he could take the pressure off her bladder for a little longer, she would work at forgiving Him, but she wasn’t making any promises.

By twelve, Ginny guessed it wasn’t good enough, because her bladder was at a four-alarm stage. The next thirty minutes were spent regretting the two sodas she drank yesterday. When they hit the drive-thrus today, soda was off her list.

At one, Ginny knew she couldn’t hold out any longer.

“I love you, baby, but I gotta go.” Whispering so she didn’t wake Gavin, she began slowly moving away from him one deliberate movement at a time. With each movement, she watched him carefully to make sure he wasn’t waking up before making another movement. It was time-consuming but worth it when she was standing over the bed and Gavin remained sleep. Ginny didn’t know what to thank more—that he was still asleep or that he hadn’t woken to find her in his bed.

Going to her open suitcase set on the chair, she picked out a pair of jeans and a scooped-neck purple top. Tiptoeing into the bathroom, she closed the door without letting it click closed, afraid the small sound would wake Gavin.

Seeing the toilet, she thought about giving a Hail Mary, relieving herself and trying not to tinkle too loudly. When she finished, she laid two towels over the tank before flushing, satisfied at the muted sounds coming from her savior.

Proud of herself for making minimum sounds when she dressed and brushed her teeth, Ginny stepped out of the bathroom and into hell.

Gavin was pacing around the hotel room, wild-eyed, trying to tear his hair out.

Terrified, Ginny froze, but it was too late. He had already spotted her.

“What did you do to me?” he roared at her so loudly that Ginny was afraid the cheap pictures hanging on the walls would fall off.


“It’s one o’clock!”

“I know. Are you mad I let you sleep in?” Trying to figure out why he was so furious, she was frightened he knew she slept beside him.

“I don’t sleep for nine fucking hours! Did you drug me when I was sleeping?”

Her mouth dropped open at the accusation. “Of course not—”

Ginny found herself lifted off her feet and tossed onto the bed.

Leaning over her with his hands planted beside her head on the mattress, he snarled into her face, “Tell me what you gave me!”

Trembling, she stared up at him. “I didn’t give you anything. Gavin, you were exhausted ….” Frightened, she was about to admit she slept with him, choosing to tell him the truth versus having him believe she drugged him, yet he didn’t give her the opportunity.

“I’ve been exhausted much worse before and never slept for nine fucking hours!” Pounding a fist on the mattress beside her head, Ginny knew she had to calm him down. As frightened as he was making her, it was nothing compared to the terror he was going through.

Reaching for every ounce of courage she possessed, Ginny suddenly twined her arms around his neck, using all her strength to rise up against him and turn, forcing him to turn with her until she was the one on top. Plastering herself against his hard body, she buried her face in his neck, giving him her full weight.

“Calm down, sweet man. I didn’t drug you. I swear I didn’t. I wouldn’t do that to you. I love you, Gavin,” she whispered into his ear, feeling his body shaking under hers. “Sweet, sweet man, I love you …,” she repeated over and over until she felt his shaking stop and he lay limply, not straining away from her. Lifting one hand, Ginny raised her head to smooth down his tumbled hair. His wild eyes were unfocused, staring up at her.


