Rescued – Brides of the Kindred Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 130081 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 650(@200wpm)___ 520(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

“Sonya? Baby girl?” a deep voice said in her ear. Then large, warm hands were shaking her gently. “It’s a dream—a night terror,” the voice told her. “It’s not real. Whatever it is, it’s not real.”

Sonya jerked awake with a gasp. Above her in the darkness she could see eyes—pale blue eyes that glowed faintly in the dim room, lit only by the glowing lights of the city outside the window. At first she couldn’t think who might be in bed with her. Whoever he was, he was huge.

“Please…don’t hurt me!” she whispered, looking up at the eyes. “And don’t…don’t let him get me.”

“I told you, baby girl—it was just a bad dream,” the owner of the eyes murmured soothingly. “He’s not here—he’s not real.”

Suddenly everything flooded back to her—her wonderful date with Davrik and then the horrible time that had followed with the disgusting Trollox. Just thinking of what he had done to her made her skin burn all over again. Just as it had when he had shot the black ichor that passed for his seed all over her breasts and belly and face.

With the burning, came the thought that she had been trying so hard to suppress—the knowledge that soon she might belong to Grox forever.

“Yes, he is!” she said. “He is real—and he’s going to own me!”

Then she burst into tears, unable to hold back the horror any longer.

Most men get uncomfortable when a woman weeps but Davrik wasn’t one of them. He didn’t pat her shoulder awkwardly or beg her to stop crying. Instead, he sat up and gathered her into his lap. Cradling her close to his broad chest, he stroked her trembling back and murmured soothing nothings into her ear.

Finally, when Sonya’s sobs trailed off to sniffles, he tilted her chin up so that their eyes met.

“All right,” he said softly but firmly. “Tell me what happened.”

Sonya bit her lip.

“You…you mean in my dream?”

The big Kindred gave her a stern look.

“No, baby girl. What happened with your other client? With the Xeba-shla. What did he do to you?”

The tone of his voice brooked no dissent and Sonya didn’t dare to lie to him.

“It…it’s wasn’t a Xeba-shla—it was a Trollox. It was that awful Grox,” she admitted in a low, trembling voice.

Davrik took a deep, startled breath but then let it out slowly.

“All right,” he said in a low, measured voice. And what did he do? Don’t be afraid to tell me, baby girl—I need to know it—all of it,” he added.

Feeling like she was drowning, Sonya did.

“He…he told me to take off my clothes,” she began. “And then he wanted…wanted me to lay naked on the bed with…with my legs spread.”

She could feel the big Kindred’s large frame clench tight but he only said,

“Go on,” in that same low, measured voice.

Feeling helpless to disobey, Sonya told about the huge metal dildo and how the Trollox had insisted she shove it inside herself.

“Is that why you’re walking like something is hurting you?” Davrik asked her.

Biting her lip, Sonya nodded.

“That and…other reasons.”

“Other reasons?” Davrik demanded, his voice filled with fury. “What else did he do to you? Don’t worry, baby girl—I’m not mad at you,” he added when she froze. “I’m mad at myself for believing that fucking Sluggorn and letting you go with him. And I’m beyond furious at that fucking Trollox, daring to touch you!” he added.

In short, clipped sentences, Sonya explained how the monstrous Trollox had basically jerked off on her.

“And when it hit my skin, it was black and oozy—like some kind of tar. And it burned like hot tar too,” she explained. “Some of it even got in my mouth!” She swallowed hard, remembering the acidic, nauseating, rotten taste. “It…it made me gag. I ran to the bathroom and threw up and he—Grox—got mad. He said I had refused his ‘gift.’” She gave a little laugh that was more than half sob. “As if he’d offered me a diamond necklace instead of shooting that disgusting nasty mess all over me!”

“That bastard!” Davrik abruptly pushed her off his lap and rose from the bed. As the lights came on automatically to their low setting, Sonya watched him pacing back and forth in front of the bed, his big hands clenched into fists at his sides.

Her insides were clenched too as she realized that she had sealed her fate.

Why did you tell him all that? What’s wrong with you? demanded a little voice inside her head. Now he’ll never want to buy you—you’re used goods to him! What man would ever want you after knowing that you were covered in that horrible troll’s cum?

She huddled into herself and pulled the covers up to her chin. Davrik would never want her now—would never try to save her. She had ruined everything…everything.



Davrik was so busy trying to control the Rage that wanted to take over his mind that it took him some time to notice what was going on with Sonya. He wanted to go kill that fucking Trollox for hurting the woman he loved! His instinct as a Kindred warrior was to go find the bastard and punch all three of the huge, lumpish heads until they were reduced to a pulpy red mess!


