River Wild Read Online Samantha Towle

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Romance, Suspense, Tear Jerker Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 80969 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 405(@200wpm)___ 324(@250wpm)___ 270(@300wpm)

I have Olive and Buddy, Sadie, and Guy, even though he can be a total gossip at times. But I have them, and I don’t need anyone else.

“Well, that’s great for you guys. And don’t worry; the last thing I’m looking for is a father for my baby. And, even if I were, River wouldn’t even make the list.”

“Oh, good. I’m so glad we understand each other.” She gives me a congenial smile, but there’s nothing nice about her. “I’ll leave you to your shopping—unless there’s anything else you need help with?”

Anything else? I never asked for your help in the first place.

“Nope. I’m good.” I smile widely. I don’t want her to know she’s affected me in any way. And one thing I am good at is hiding my true feelings.

“Fabulous. Well, ciao for now.” She gives me a finger wave, and with a flick of her hair, she sashays off.

Ciao for now?


Fudge off, you C-U-Next-Tuesday muffin.

I’m so done here.

I want to go home and eat the contents of my shopping basket even if I know for a fact that a vast majority of this food will give me heartburn for days.

Ugh. Why did River have to be here?

He’s totally crapped on my day.

I was super happy with my new car, and now, him and his ciao-for-now Macy have spoiled it.

Angrily, I march over and dump my basket on the counter, not once looking at River.


I cast my eyes in his direction but don’t look directly at him. Like the sun.

“Don’t call me that,” I snap. “My name is Carrie.”

“Okay. Carrie.” His voice sounds quieter than normal. Less confident.


“Is this everything?”


“I’ll ring it up for you then.”

“You do that.”

I turn my head to the side. Staring out the window, I fold my arms over my chest, resting them on the top of my bump, while he rings me up.

It feels like he’s taking forever.

I start tapping my foot with impatience.

I can see him putting my things into a paper bag for me. Almost done, and then I’m out of here.

“That’ll be thirty-seven forty, Re—Carrie.”

I dig my wallet out of my bag and pull out forty dollars, holding the bills to him.

I still haven’t looked at his face this whole time.

I’m currently staring at his chest.

He takes the money from my outstretched hand.

The brush of his fingers against mine surprises me. As does the flare of heat that shoots up my arm.

Pregnancy hormones. Just pregnancy hormones.

Nothing to do with him because he’s a big, stupid, mean jerk.

I hear him ring the money up and take my change out of the cash register.

“Here’s your change.”

I hold my palm out while he counts the money into it.

I don’t even bother putting the money back in my wallet. I drop it straight into my purse.

I grab the grocery bag off the counter and make for the door.

“Carrie.” His insistent tone makes me stop.

I finally look at his face for the first time since I stepped in here.

His eyes are searching my face. He looks … lost.

The ache starts up in my chest again.

I cast a blanket over my feelings and smooth my face to impassive.

“What?” I ask with just the right amount of impatience. Proud of myself for being so strong.

“Just …” He shakes his head. “Your receipt.” He holds it up. “Do you want it?”

“Nope. Put it in the trash.” You know, the same place you put our friendship—or non-friendship.

Then, I walk out of there, chin held high, and I don’t let it drop until I’m back in the safety of my car.


The bang of River’s front door catches my attention.

The sight of Macy leaving his house does nothing to improve my mood. The mood I’ve been in since yesterday, after seeing River at the store.

I guess Macy’s doing house visits now.

Makes sense if they’re together.

I ignore the pinch in my chest that I feel. It’s just … I know River’s a complete and utter tool. But he does have a good heart deep down in there somewhere. And I’m just not sure about Macy. I think she’s … self-motivated and conniving.

Not that it’s any of my business.

I watch her lithely body slide into a little red Ford that’s parked behind his truck on his driveway. I don’t lithely slide anywhere nowadays with my ever-growing bump.

I hear her engine come on, and I quickly turn my attention back to the trunk of my car, so I don’t have to acknowledge her as she drives by.

I know I’m being childish. I’m just really not in the mood for Macy today.

I’m tired and cranky.

I was up most of the night with heartburn from the food I ate yesterday, as I’d predicted I would be. Didn’t stop me from eating it though, did it? The diner was super busy this morning. I barely had time to stop. And then, after my shift at the diner finished, I went straight to the hardware store to pick up the paint I’d ordered because they’d called to let me know it was in. I’d finally decided on a color—Vanilla Frost. It’s a neutral color. I thought I’d keep the walls a fresh, plain color. I’m going to get some wall decals with cute animals and put them up and then brighten it up with accessories. Also, while I was at the hardware store, I got some sheets to protect the floor, paint rollers, and brushes. Figured I’d start on the painting this afternoon.


