Romeo (Blood Fury MC #12.5) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Dark, Forbidden, MC Tags Authors: Series: Blood Fury MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 115186 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 576(@200wpm)___ 461(@250wpm)___ 384(@300wpm)

She tried to resist. She truly did. She told herself time and time again, what she had with him was only sex. Only physical.

Emotions weren’t involved.

At first, she also thought their encounters would only happen a couple of times. But two turned into four, then into eight and sixteen before she lost count.

During all those times, she refused to admit it wasn’t just sex. That Romeo wasn’t simply some horny dog. That she wasn’t only using him as an escape from her stressful job and bully boss.

Before she knew it, she began to look forward to seeing him, hearing him, touching him, kissing him…

Fucking him.

But all of that was the polar opposite of being someone’s ol’ lady. Being permanent fixtures in each other’s lives.

Living a life together.


Could she wake up next to him every day?

Could she watch sweet butts, and random women hang all over him, trying to tempt him? Because she knew that was a reality.

She’d seen it.

On the other hand, she’d also seen Trip nip that shit in the bud quickly. Zak, the DAMC president, also did the same. No one questioned how loyal those two presidents were to their wives.

But how many would look her way and feel sorry for her for being stuck with a man not known for keeping his dick in his pants?

Would there be whispers?

Would distrust and rumors eventually force a wedge between them?

She blew out a breath, trying to settle her stomach, trying to rein in her thoughts.

She was only twenty-seven. She had plenty of time to find someone to fall in love with. To have children with. Someone responsible. Someone who was good husband and father material…

The sound of thumps had her lifting her head and glancing toward the stairway leading to the second floor. Romeo was slowly and carefully making his way back down.

Seeing him struggle twisted something inside of her. But it was when he paused on the steps and his eyes locked with hers was when she realized…

All her concerns were only that. Worries and not facts.

The real fact was, she didn’t want to spend her life with anyone else.

No matter how flawed that man was. No matter his history.

He only approached Roger because he was trying to help her. If he didn’t care about her, he never would have done that. Instead, he could’ve just gone about his life and not taken any action on her behalf at all.

If he didn’t care about her, he wouldn’t have had a prospect drive him north so he could smooth things over with her.

If he didn’t care about her, he could’ve refused to face the Blood Fury’s executive committee.

He did all of that without her asking.

The cliché “actions speak louder than words” was so damn true in this case.

To be fair, she had to at least give him credit for that.

She sprung off the stool and rushed over to him as he used his crutch to continue working his way down the steps. “You need help?”

He paused and shook his head. “Stay there.”

She held her breath as he made it down the final four steps without tumbling down and breaking more bones.

When he stopped in front of her, she finally breathed. “Are you okay?”

“Didn’t fall on my fuckin’ face.”

Obviously. “I meant after being upstairs.”

He ignored that by asking, “You bring your cage?”

She nodded.

“C’mon, let’s get the fuck outta here before they all come down.”

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere we can have a conversation without any of those… them,” he jerked his chin toward the ceiling, “bein’ nosy fuckers or givin’ us a fuckin’ opinion we didn’t ask for.”

That sounded like a plan she could work with. “That’s a good idea. I already have enough people in my life who like to make decisions for me.” She lifted an eyebrow in his direction.

His mouth twisted. “Point taken. Let’s go before you got a fuckuva lot more.”

She matched his slow pace as they crossed The Barn and headed out the front door. “Stay here, I’ll grab my car and pick you up.”

His jaw shifted but he gave her a single nod.

Huh. Did he not like relying on a woman? Too bad.

She jogged to her SUV, which was parked around the side of the building, and was pulling up to where he waited within less than a minute.

After placing her vehicle into Park, she jumped back out and flung open the passenger door.

When he eyeballed the interior and growled softly in frustration, she urged him to, “Hang on,” before stepping behind him to help him slip out of his cut. Once he was free of it, she folded it neatly and placed it on the back seat while he hauled himself into the passenger side with an accompanying grunt and a few groans.

He had to be going nuts not being able to ride his sled. She swore their motorcycles were an extension of their body and if they couldn’t ride, it was like lopping off a limb.


