Rush Read online Deborah Bladon

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 85583 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

Our stringent testing protocols failed this time. I’ve gone through Drake’s notes on the development of the game, and I see gaps where there should be accountability in the form of test runs.

I don’t know if he was preoccupied with planning his surprise wedding or if he put too much trust in the team he assigned to the project, but there was a fracture, and our release timeline fell victim to it.

“It’s almost midnight, Cason.” Gavin drops into one of the chairs in front of Drake’s desk. “You’re pulling worse hours than me.”

I shrug. “I’ve got too much invested in this game. I have to put everything into it.”

Shoving a hand through his hair, he leans forward. “Is that really what’s going on here?”

This conversation can either stay on the track I want it to, or it can venture in the direction that Gavin’s leaning, which is seven years in the past. I’m not on board for that, so I take the wheel to steer it. “If this app fails, it’s on me. I have a lot depending on it.”

Gavin’s interest in Cabbott has never been more than a comment or two. Usually, some form of ‘ I saw your name in Forbes again, you rich bastard ’ or ‘ no one needs an app for that.’

He’s as skilled in his profession as I am. The difference is that when I go to sleep at night, I’m not doing it with the knowledge that I’ve saved a life. I entertain, sometimes I inform, but I don’t hold anyone’s future in my hands.

“Eat the sandwich.” He pushes the bag toward me. “You might want to think about getting some sleep too.”

I would if I could concentrate on anything but the way Emma’s lips tasted or how it felt to have her hands on me.

“Are you daydreaming?” He huffs out a laugh.

“What? No,” I answer too quickly.

“Let me guess.” He taps a finger on the corner of the desk. “It’s Emma Owens, right?”

Peering into the bag, I nod. “She was here.”

“And that’s got you looking all starry-eyed?” He shakes his head. “What happened when she was here?”

I’m knee-deep in this, so I dive all the way in. “We kissed.”

He leans back on the chair. “Just a kiss?”

I rub my eyes, exhaustion finally setting over me. “I’ve never had a kiss like that before.”

A smile creeps over his mouth. “Was the feeling mutual?”

I hang my head. “It was until she remembered that I’m friends with her brother.”

Gavin digs in the bag and pulls out a paper-wrapped sandwich. Opening it, he grabs one half and takes a bite. “Kiss her again, and she might forget.”

Laughing, I pick up the other half of the sandwich. “Thanks for sharing your dinner with me.”

“I wasn’t about to let it go to waste.” He motions for me to eat. “Finish up and go home, Case. If Emma felt anything from that kiss, she’s sitting in your apartment, waiting for you.”


I spent another two hours after Gavin left my office trying to focus on work. I failed. I’m finally in the main bedroom of my apartment.

Emma has to be fast asleep.

I stopped outside the door to the guestroom, but there was nothing but silence behind it.

I expected as much.

Heading to the bathroom, I drop my clothes along the way.

A shower will soothe me, and help clear my mind. I hit the control panel and step in. As the cool water beats over me, I close my eyes, but all I can focus on is that kiss.

Who the fuck kisses like that?

I swear I felt it in every part of me.

I still do.

It’s the first time I’ve felt anything but numbness in years. I don’t deserve it, but fuck , I crave it.

I rake a hand through my hair and exhale audibly. I need to try and sleep if I’m going to face my life tomorrow.

Resting my hand over my heart, I take a moment to recite the same silent prayer I do every night hoping that if there is peace to be had, that every soul here on earth and those lost, will find it.

Chapter 38


I heard Case come home late last night.

After learning about Sandy’s baby and seeing the picture from Drake’s wedding, I thought about how different my life would be if I had stayed engaged to Beauregard.

Settling for someone I don’t love would have trapped me in a marriage that would have ended at some point.

I walked away because I knew it wasn’t right for me.

The kiss with Case was proof of that.

I felt more in that moment than I felt the entire time I was with Beau.

A knock at the apartment door lures my gaze in that direction.

I’m already dressed for the day in a pair of faded jeans and a simple blue sweater. My hair is in loose waves, and I only applied the bare essentials for makeup today. The pale pink lipstick and mascara I’m wearing will have to suffice. I don’t have the energy for more.


