Savage Read online Jenika Snow, Sam Crescent (The End #1)

Categories Genre: Dystopia, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: The End Series by Jenika Snow

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84752 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

“Have you ever thought that maybe I don’t want to get away?” she asked.

He wasn’t expecting that.

She rubbed against his cock and shocked him further by lifting herself up so that she straddled his waist.

“I’m not running from you, Malachi. You don’t scare me and I know for a fact you won’t hurt me.”

He didn’t know where this newfound confidence had come from, but he sure as shit didn’t have a single problem with it.

With the gun by his side, he rolled her to her back, so she was now at his mercy, and seeing her on the floor, spread out, her hair wild around her, was what he wanted.

“You think you know how to play this game?”

“I’m not playing a game with you, Malachi.”

“What changed? You ran off from my kiss like a scared little girl. Tell me what changed,” he asked.

“Nothing’s changed. I wasn’t ready then.”

“And you think you’re ready to take me on? I’m not your baby sister.”

“I don’t want my baby sister.”

Malachi saw the truth in her gaze. She was scared, a little horny, but there was something else in her gaze as well: hunger.

He recognized the hunger as he’d experienced it himself many times and seeing it in Sasha’s gaze wasn’t a shock to him. This fucked-up world didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy a man.

Her virginity would hold her back, keep her in check, stop her from enjoying what would come soon.

Cupping her cheek, he tilted her head back and claimed those plump lips. She let out a gasp, her hands going to his shoulders as he took her mouth. He didn’t kiss her for long. He didn’t like how much he enjoyed his mouth on hers.

Malachi couldn’t remember a single time in all of his life where he’d enjoyed a woman’s touch the way he did Sasha’s.

Sex was always a need, an impulse. There was never any connection.

One kiss from Sasha, and he couldn’t fucking think straight.

Trailing his lips down to her ear, he sucked on the pulse, hearing her gasp. Pressing one hand to her mouth to keep her moans silent, he used his other hand to stroke down her body.

He caressed her tits, sliding the tips of his fingers across each mounded peak. With his hand over her mouth, he couldn’t enjoy the sounds coming from her, but one day soon, he was going to hear her scream. To have her call his name as he touched her body, bringing her to orgasm.

This was a virgin in his arms.

A sweet, fiery virgin.

He’d watched her kill.

Seen her protect him and Lucy.

There was no one else he wanted at his side.

He was unable to look away from her.

He’d never been with an innocent before. Sasha deserved a lot more than a barn, and the risk of death waiting at every corner. She should have experienced the world before it went to shit.


He could give her this. At least he could be the first man to give her an orgasm.

He wanted more, so much more, but for now, he would give her this.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Finally giving in

The feel of him on her lips had every single part of her body igniting. She felt weak with emotion. Her heart raced, and her palms were starting to sweat. Perspiration started to dot the valley between her breasts, and Sasha felt her nipples harden.

And between her thighs ... God, she was so wet between her legs.

Sasha had never experienced anything like this before, not just with the way Malachi made her feel, but her body’s reaction.

He was so close to her, but he’d broken the kiss, leaving her desperate for more. So much more.

He didn’t speak for long moments, just stared into her eyes, making her feel like she was completely heated for him. Even now, she tingled in the most sensitive part of her body, the part of her that had never been touched by a man.

Malachi reached out and ran his thumb over her bottom lip, having her inhale sharply from that small touch. Sasha wanted him desperately, wanted to feel him pressed against her, his hardness against her softness, his masculinity making her feel so feminine.

Licking her lips, she gasped again and he slipped his thumb into her mouth. Involuntarily, she sucked on it, as if her body had a mind of its own, as if she had no control over what was happening right now.

And it felt so incredibly good not to worry about anything at the moment, not to feel anything but this mindless pleasure.

He pulled his thumb out of her mouth and she wanted to beg him for more, but she watched in rapt awe as he lifted his hand to his mouth and sucked on his digit, she couldn’t help but moan softly.

Sasha knew she’d never feel this way about anyone else. It was Malachi who brought out these emotions, these feelings. Maybe it was their circumstances. Maybe it was the fact they’d been thrust into this situation together, the end of the world having everything coming into perspective.


