Saved by Love – A Closed Door Friends Read Online Kelly Elliott

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 79197 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 396(@200wpm)___ 317(@250wpm)___ 264(@300wpm)

I focused the best I could on Hadley’s hair and getting it styled. Just as I finished, the doorbell rang.

“That’ll be my folks.”

Hadley rushed by Aiden to the door. It wasn’t normal for me to be here on a Sunday morning, but Aiden had asked me last night to have breakfast with him and Hadley. He had made scrambled eggs for all of us with fresh-squeezed orange juice…and it was simply the best.

“Good morning!” Patty said as she waltzed into the room.

“Morning,” I said, lifting my hand in a wave. If they were surprised to see me here, they didn’t show it.

“Emma and I will be right behind you guys in a few minutes,” Aiden said before finishing off the last of his orange juice.

That caught the attention of Aiden’s parents. Patty glanced between us and grinned. “Don’t rush. We’re early enough that we may swing through and get a donut.”

Hadley jumped for joy and nearly dragged her grandparents out the door. “Let’s go get a donut!”

The moment the door shut, I started to say something about grabbing my coat, but Aiden’s mouth was already back on mine. He walked me backward and pressed me against the same wall where we’d stood before. I melted into the kiss, which wasn’t soft and sweet this time, but hotter and more passionate. My entire body trembled with such a strong sense of desire, my legs felt moments from giving out.

Then he stopped as quickly as he’d begun, leaning his forehead against mine. “I’m sorry.”

With a smile, I replied, “For what?”

“Kissing you like that. You deserve more than being ravaged.”

I placed my hands on his chest, feeling his muscles flex from my touch. “I rather enjoyed being ravaged.”

He ran his knuckles lightly down the side of my face. “Since the first moment I met you, I’ve been dying to tell you how beautiful you are.”

“Aiden,” I whispered.

“You are truly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and you’ve made a part of my heart come to life that I never even knew existed before you.”

I swallowed hard and looked down.

“Emma, I’m not saying this because I want something from you. I’m saying it because it’s true. I’m just tired of hiding it.”

“I’m tired of hiding my feelings for you as well.”

“I wasn’t lying when I said I’ve never felt like this before.”

Smiling, I said, “I have feelings for you I’ve never experienced before either.”

“Not even with your husband?”

My heart sped up, and I wasn’t sure how much I was ready to tell Aiden about Ben. I knew I wanted to tell him everything, but what would he think of a woman who’d stayed in such a toxic relationship for so long? A woman who’d had the kind of thoughts I’d had about Ben.

“You said you’d fallen out of love with Lisa, but you still cared for her, loved her enough to take care of her through her sickness.”

“Yes, I did.”

I pressed my lips together tightly and took a slow, deep breath before letting it out. “I thought I loved Ben. At least, I was in love with him when we married, but that love quickly turned to something far more powerful and darker.”

His brows drew in as he gave me a befuddled look.

“I hated him, Aiden. With everything in me. There were moments in our marriage when I wished him…gone. It was a very toxic relationship, and when I look back, I…”

My voice cracked and he reached for me. His finger went to my chin, and he gently moved my gaze to meet his.

“You what?”

A single tear slipped free and moved down my cheek. “I prayed he would die. So I could be set free, because I wasn’t strong enough to leave myself. I’m sorry if that makes you think differently of me.”

Aiden cupped my face in his hands and pressed his mouth to mine. The kiss was soft and sweet. “Shh. Don’t say that. Please don’t even think it. I would never judge you for that, Emma.”

A sob slipped free, and I fought to keep control of my emotions. “You don’t know what I did! I lied to my husband for years so I wouldn’t be able to have a child with him. I lived a lie!”

He wiped the tears away and kissed my forehead. “We don’t have to talk about this now, Emma. When you’re ready, I’m here to listen.”

I nodded, and a part of me wanted to open up and tell Aiden right this second. Another part of me wanted to pretend that period of my life never happened. That the only thing that mattered in the world was the two of us, in this moment.

“I do want to tell you everything, Aiden.”

He smiled softly. “Only when you’re ready, okay?”

I nodded. “Soon. I don’t want us starting a relationship with old wounds still open and secrets between us.”


