Saving Rafe Read online Jocelynn Drake (Lords of Discord #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Lords of Discord Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 116408 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 582(@200wpm)___ 466(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

The house was in disarray. What little furniture that had been in the main hall was destroyed and left in broken pieces across the floor. Blood had poured along the stairs to form a black pool at the base.

Slowly, he walked toward the stairs until he could see the body lying half off the landing. Kim’s throat had been cut, and the blood had gushed from her slender frame to cascade down the stairs. She was gone. Dead.

“We-we should split. See if anyone is still alive. I—”

“I’m not leaving you alone. Ezra or even a MacPherson could be lurking here.” Rafe’s voice was little more than a growl, and Philippe didn’t want to argue. Didn’t want to be parted from Rafe. Didn’t want to wander through this tomb alone.

They moved slowly from room to room. Some were empty and completely untouched, but too often they came across broken furniture and bright splashes of blood. And a body.

Five dead bodies in all.

Each had deep slashes. Heads chopped off completely. Dark pools of blood sinking into carpets and the little crevices and joints in the wood floors.

Philippe could clearly see how and when he’d met each of the dead clan members. He knew their stories. The torture and horrors they’d survived before finding their way to the so-called safety of the Arsenault clan. Some had found decades of peace and tranquility among the Arsenaults. Others only a few years.

The rest of the Variks arrived as he and Rafe finished their search of the house. He was vaguely aware of the instructions Rafe was giving them. Winter was to search the surrounding grounds for signs of others. Bel was to interrogate the local wildlife to get what they might have seen. Marcus and Aiden remained close to Philippe, almost forming a protective wall around him with Rafe.

“Who’s missing, Philippe?” Rafe demanded, breaking into his dark thoughts. Rafe’s worried eyes locked with his own. “I counted only five. I thought you told me there were nine or ten members. I’m sorry. I can’t remember.”

“Ten…after Piper’s death,” Philippe whispered.

“Ezra is missing. So is Jullien.”

Philippe blinked. “Yes, Jullien isn’t here. Do you think he’s still alive?” He’d been secretly searching for Jullien among the dead. His old friend. He’d failed him most of all. Jullien who had been with him since the beginning. Who’d stood by him as he built this crazy, ragtag clan.

Rafe’s eyes darted over to Aiden as he hesitated. “He could have followed after Ezra if he was the culprit behind this attack.”

“Slaughter,” Marcus corrected.

But Philippe ignored it. He was focused on Rafe’s hesitation. “You think Ezra took Jullien. He’s being held captive.”

“Possibly,” Aiden said.

“Who else isn’t here?” Rafe pushed.

“Easy, now. Give him a moment.” Aiden’s voice was a gentle but firm caress. The clan leader reached over and wrapped his hand around the back of Rafe’s neck. Philippe’s breath caught when he saw some of the tension leave Rafe’s shoulders and they slumped slightly. He’d never seen anyone settle Rafe so easily. But then, Aiden was a father to these men. He’d known them far longer than Philippe had known any of his clan members.

“I’m sorry, Philippe.”

“No, you’re right. I need to focus. It’s not helping anyone to concentrate on the dead.” Closing his eyes, he replayed the faces that he saw in the house like a gruesome movie being rewound. “Ming and Peter.”

“Counting Jullien and Philippe,” Marcus started.

“And assuming Ezra is with the MacPherson clan,” Rafe added, “that makes ten.”

“Do you think Ezra might have taken Ming and Peter with Jullien?” Aiden asked.

Philippe shook his head. “No. If Ezra was determined to weed out more of the clan, Ming and Peter would have been at the top of his list. There is no point in taking them to the MacPherson clan.”

“Then maybe they escaped, and Jullien is with them. He could be protecting them.”

Rafe’s suggestion brought a flare of hope to Philippe’s chest. God, please let that be true! Let Jullien, Ming, and Peter be safe somewhere far from the reach of these fucking bastards.

Quick footsteps echoed up the front stairs and into the hall. They all looked up to see Bel hurry inside. Philippe took a moment to look over this Varik. Their initial meeting had been brief and not exactly friendly, but it was no stretch to guess that Bel was feeling protective of his twin.

Rafe had warned him that he and Bel were not identical twins, but there was even less resemblance than Philippe had expected. Of course, all the Varik brothers were handsome, and Bel was certainly no exception. But when compared to Rafe, Bel seemed thinner and paler. His eyes were wide and quick as they seemed to be taking in every bit of information around him. He definitely looked more serious than his twin.

Those quick eyes fell on Philippe and narrowed, assessing him. But Philippe could guess that this wasn’t about the disaster that had fallen on his clan. This was about Philippe’s intentions toward his brother and the unintentional pain he’d caused.


