Saving Rafe Read online Jocelynn Drake (Lords of Discord #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Lords of Discord Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 116408 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 582(@200wpm)___ 466(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

“By what? Ending their lives?” Philippe’s voice cracked a little, growing higher with each incredulous question.

“Yes. Exactly that.”

Philippe shook his head. “Why would you ever think that I’d agree to that?”

Nolan lifted one hand and made a small waving motion. Jullien was dragged forward and forced to kneel right next to Ezra’s dead body. Nolan placed his hand on Jullien’s head and grabbed a fistful of hair. “Leverage, Philippe. Leverage.”

Philippe shook his head, but no sound came out of his mouth.

“You wouldn’t do anything for Ezra after he betrayed you, but Jullien is still a loyal friend. For him, you’d join the MacPherson clan. And for him, you’ll track down the rats plaguing us.”


Rafe’s heart gave an unsteady beat at the rough sound of Jullien’s voice. He was covered in bruises and blood. One eye was swollen shut. Vampires healed quickly from wounds, but Rafe could guess Jullien had been beaten again and again over the past several hours. He’d been given no blood to help with healing. Even if he managed to escape and feed, there was no telling whether he’d fully heal again.

“Jullien, I’m sorry. So sorry,” Philippe whispered.

“Fuck him!” Jullien shouted. “Don’t do a damn thing he says!”

Nolan released Jullien’s hair and cuffed him hard on the back of the head, knocking him over into the dirt.

“This isn’t happening,” Philippe snapped.

“But it is. You can walk over here right now, kneel, and swear loyalty to me and the MacPherson clan. It will save his life and the lives of all the Variks hiding like cowards out in the woods.” Nolan paused and smirked. “Or you can say no. I’ll kill Jullien. Kill the Variks. And still force you to work for me. But instead of being a clan member, you’ll be a slave.”

Rafe had heard enough. He straightened from his crouch, but before he could step into the clearing, there was a rustling through the brush. Something large. Rafe remained ready to spring into action should anyone get too close to Philippe.

But his knees tried to buckle under him when Bel stepped into the clearing, a small, strange smile on his lips. What the fuck was his twin doing?

“While I’m sure your interest in Philippe is appreciated, it’s a little too late. Philippe is a Varik now. He’s not going anywhere. And neither is Jullien.”

Nolan cocked his head at Bel like he was the oddest creature he’d ever seen. “You’re…you’re the scientist, aren’t you? Beltran Varik.”


“Got a new poison to try out on me?”

Bel’s smile grew, and something prickled along Rafe’s arms. “No. I thought I’d just let him eat you.”

The rustling in the brush started again, and an enormous black shape lumbered into the clearing. Holy fuck! Bel found a bear. A black bear. And judging by his massive size, this male was more than ready for the long winter. He had to weigh at least five hundred pounds. The bear walked straight over to Bel and seemed to stare at Nolan as his brother rested his hand on the creature’s giant head.

Nolan backpedaled a few feet, his face paler than it had been in the dim moonlight seeping down through the tree limbs.

Bel didn’t say another word, but Rafe felt something. A low pulse of energy surge from his brother. A command. He didn’t know what it was, couldn’t make it out in word form, but the woods were suddenly an overwhelming cacophony of noise. The black bear roared as it charged Nolan.

Overhead, birds cried out in unison as they leaped from trees. Numerous wings flapped and beat at the air. The birds dove. Rafe spared only a glance in horror at the mix of smaller starlings and robins against the larger birds of prey. Owls, vultures, and hawks divebombed the MacPherson vampires, sending them running and screaming in all directions.

With everyone distracted by the attacking animals, Rafe rushed from cover to Philippe’s side where he was already kneeling beside Jullien. Pulling a knife from its sheath on his belt, Rafe slashed through the ropes binding Jullien’s arms behind his back.

“What the fuck, Varik?” Jullien demanded. His head was whipping around as if he was trying to keep all the chaos in view. Not the easiest of tasks with only one working eye.

“You’re going to have to be more specific,” Rafe muttered. “It seems Bel has laid claim to Philippe, and I wouldn’t fuck with him right now. He’s got an army.” And yeah, he couldn’t be prouder of his brother.

With the ropes gone, Philippe and Rafe got on either side of Jullien, helping him to his feet. They scurried to cover as quickly as possible, even if it meant mostly carrying Jullien.

“You need to feed,” Philippe said.

Rafe shook his head. “We can’t now. It’s too much of a risk to have more than just Jullien weakened.” He felt for Jullien. The vampire had to be in a great deal of pain, and not just from his injuries. His body would be craving blood so intensely that it’d be like his veins were full of burning acid.


