Saving Rafe Read online Jocelynn Drake (Lords of Discord #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Lords of Discord Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 116408 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 582(@200wpm)___ 466(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

Rafe growled. “Stop teasing me, my sweet clan leader.”

“I think there is only one way for me to show you all that I’ve missed.”

One hand clamped down on Philippe’s shoulder and Rafe thrust into Philippe’s grasp, his long body trembling slightly. “And what’s that?” Rafe panted, his voice shaky.

“I take you to bed and make love to you until you understand that there isn’t a single thing about you I don’t miss when we’re not together.”

“Yes!” Rafe cried out before slamming their lips together.

Philippe removed his hand from Rafe’s dick so that he could wrap his arms around his lover, holding him tightly to his own body. The fingers of his right hand were splayed across the warm skin of Rafe’s back while he shoved his other hand inside his loose sleep pants to dig his fingers into one muscular ass cheek. Tongues slid against one another, and Philippe swallowed down each of Rafe’s hungry moans.

The fire they’d been slowly stoking blazed out of control, consuming them both. No one had ever made Philippe feel more alive, more desired than Rafe. The world fell away when they were together and there was only their broken breath, acres of warm skin, and the electric need sparking along each nerve ending, building to an explosion that would finally fuse them together forever. There would no longer be a Rafe without Philippe, and Philippe would no longer have to live a day without Rafe.

“Please, mon ange,” Rafe begged. He pulled away just enough to speak, but their lips brushed with each panted word. “I need you.”

Philippe captured Rafe’s bottom lip between his teeth and gently tugged. He rocked his hips against Rafe’s, rubbing their cocks alongside each other until he wrung another moan out. “You shall have me. All of me. Any way you wish.”

“Inside me. Own me. Make me forget.”

Philippe smiled beside Rafe’s jaw, loving every desperate, hungry word. “Never forget. I’ll just make sure I’m the only thing you can think about.”

Rafe captured his mouth again in a draining kiss, but Philippe broke it off quickly, not wanting to get lost in another kiss when he could have Rafe stretched out naked on the rumpled sheets.

“The bedroom,” Philippe gritted out when his body was craving for him to just pin the nightclub owner against the wall.

Rafe flashed him a wicked grin as if he could read the desperate thoughts racing through Philippe’s mind. Grabbing one of his hands, Rafe pulled him into the bedroom. Philippe gave a quick glance around to find everything was still as it had been when he’d last been in this room. His eyes briefly snagged on the wall of windows looking out on the sparkling city against a black sky. The sun would be rising soon, but not for another few hours. Enough time for them both to shatter in that bed before he had to think about daytime protection.

His eyes snapped back to Rafe as he shoved down his sleep pants and stepped out of them. His hard cock bobbed and smacked his flat stomach. Pre-cum glistened on the head and Philippe ached to run his tongue over it. To lap it up and feel the answering shiver run along Rafe’s body.

“On the bed. I want to see you stretched out and waiting for me,” Philippe commanded. He barely recognized the husky tone that left his throat.

Rafe didn’t hesitate to crawl onto the mattress, giving Philippe a brain-melting view of his very perfect ass. The vampire paused long enough to grab the bottle of lube out of the nightstand and then dropped on his back against the pillows and sheets. His flawless pale skin glowed like a pearl among the deep gold sheets. His hair lay like a thick, inky halo around his head while blue eyes glowed in the dim light, locked on Philippe.

Toeing out of his shoes, Philippe ignored the racing of his heart. Anxiety and doubt that hadn’t been present seconds ago flooded his veins and nearly closed off his throat. There would be no hiding from Rafe this time. Rafe gave everything of himself when they were alone together, trusted Philippe so completely. Philippe needed to do the same.

Grabbing the hem of his sweater, Philippe quickly jerked it over his head and tossed it aside. His fingers dropped to the button of his jeans and he clenched his eyes shut to feel them trembling. He could do this. He—

“Look at me, mon ange.” Rafe’s gentle voice drifted across the distance, wrapping around him. There was a subtle power to those words, but not the same gift he’d felt when he’d last been in this room with Rafe. It was something stronger and deeper. He could feel Rafe’s love in those words as strongly as if he’d wrapped his arms around Philippe and pressed him to his heart.


