Saving Rafe Read online Jocelynn Drake (Lords of Discord #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Lords of Discord Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 116408 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 582(@200wpm)___ 466(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

“Mon ange,” Rafe’s voice broke as his breathing became more erratic. “Please. Harder.”

Philippe smiled at the growing desperation, but it was tinged with a hint of self-mocking. His own control was steadily crumbling. The orgasm was tingling along the base of his spine and refused to be held off any longer. Sweat and pre-cum covered their stomachs so that Rafe’s hard cock slid deliciously between them. His wonderful hot, tight channel gripped and massaged Philippe, trying to pull him in deeper.

With a snarl, Philippe braced his hands on Rafe’s shoulders, pinning him to the bed as he brutally hammered into his welcoming body. Rafe screamed and gripped his dick. His fist shuttled fast along his hard length. Philippe couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight of the dark red head appearing and disappearing in his fist.

“Come for me. Come now,” Philippe ordered.

Rafe shouted again and a long rope of cum splashed across his stomach and chest. Some splattered across Philippe’s hand. With an almost feral grin, he held Rafe’s gaze as he lifted his hand to his lips and licked away the cum. Rafe cried out, his body spasming around Philippe a second time. The salty taste, beautiful sounds, and lush feel of his body tipped Philippe over the edge.

Ecstasy exploded through his body. He kept thrusting, emptying himself into Rafe, but there was no more conscious thought. Only decadent bliss burning away his brain and ripping along nerve endings.

When there was nothing left, he collapsed on top of Rafe, burying his face in the vampire’s neck so that the thick artery was pounding against his lips. Yes, a taste would be the perfect topping to this orgasm, but he simply couldn’t move.

Rafe’s arms draped over him, and his legs remained entwined with Philippe’s. And it was perfect.

“God, I hope your window blinds work, because I am never moving again,” Philippe sighed.

“Sounds wonderful to me.”

Rafe’s arm tightened around Philippe’s waist when the vampire flinched. There was a soft mechanical whirring noise that was penetrating the silence of the room, and it had woken Philippe from his light sleep.

“It’s an hour before sunrise,” Rafe murmured. He moved his head forward, nuzzling Philippe’s soft hair. “The shades are descending.”

Philippe shifted, pushing partially upright on his elbow so he could look around Rafe’s bedroom. Rafe opened his eyes to see that the midnight black sky had turned a lighter gray with the approaching sun. Specially made blinds were falling down over the two walls of windows, allowing them to still see out while blocking all sunlight.

“That’s…that’s just amazing,” Philippe breathed.

Rafe pressed a kiss behind Philippe’s ear, causing the man to shiver. “Not nearly as amazing as you.”

Philippe made a scoffing noise in the back of his throat. “That’s just a sign of how spoiled you are. You’ve got to be the only vampire who’s bored with the idea of being able to safely see the sun.”

“No, I’m just the only vampire to realize you are far more precious and radiant than the sun.”

Philippe turned his head, unshed tears glistening in his moss-green eyes. Yes, maybe he was being sappy and sentimental, but Rafe didn’t give a damn. Rafe would happily give up his penthouse and view of the sun if it meant being able to spend his days wrapped around Philippe.

Yes, the rational part of his brain recognized that it was all very illogical. He’d known Philippe barely more than a week, but Rafe’s heart knew they belonged together. Philippe completed and lifted him up in ways he’d never expected possible. When he was with his golden angel, he didn’t feel like the family fuckup, the reckless wastrel forever putting his brothers in danger. Philippe believed in him. When they were together, Rafe was sure he could do anything.

And when Philippe smiled at him, it was like standing in the sunlight again, bathed in warmth and love.

Closing the short distance between them, Philippe softly kissed Rafe. Their lips brushed and met in a series of gentle, exploring kisses that had Rafe relaxing beside his lover. He was torn between wanting to sink into him again and just wallowing in this leisurely pleasure.

“Sorry for waking you,” Philippe murmured against his mouth.

Rafe smiled, and he knew Philippe could feel it. “We can sleep later. For now, we can lie in bed and watch the sun rise over the city.”

Philippe turned and stretched out on his back again, his pale skin seeming to glow in comparison to the dark, rumpled sheets. Rafe had to stare down at him for a moment, loving his smile and the happiness dancing in his eyes.

“Mmm…the very height of decadence,” Philippe purred.

“No other vampire has a view like this in the city.” And Rafe knew he’d forever treasure this moment of sharing something uniquely his with Philippe.

“Not even your brothers?”

Rafe shook his head as he settled closer to Philippe. He lay on his side, one hand casually sliding up and down Philippe’s bare chest. “No. Bel has something a little similar in his laboratory should he decide to work during the day and wish to see the sun, but it usually stays closed up. Definitely not Winter or Marcus.”


